HBO's The Night Of

i cant help but think that its just gonna come full circle that theres something deep to Naz and hes just simply the one who killed her.

blacked out, snapped, some mental illness, anything like that. 

maybe something will happen in jail, where its like on any given day someone can just snap and you dont know what theyre capable of, not even themselves.

and they are def throwing little things in there to skew the viewer like the black dude covering for his friend, the door not being closed, the creepy step dad, etc.

but i wouldnt be surprised if they just told this story of a dude who had 1 bad night and the main point of this is to show the judicial system, and even though things can seem very obvious, its still a huge procedure to convict someone ala OJ Simpson.

also whats interesting here is that Turturro is the low key main character. You think its Naz but the stories really about him when you look at it. something to think about there...

ps- agreed that theres a lot of similarities to the Serial podcast 
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There was no blood on him. 

The fact that no one seems to see is what you said. Nas didn't have blood until him until he cut his own hand.

This dude is either the most ocd killer ever or he had a shower. Which doesn't add up cause he was so high/drunk no one he's showering.

Not one inch of his clothing had blood..
if naz did it, wheres the blood on him or his clothes? even walking away from the bed you with think he leaves a trail

his dad has to be the worst actor of all time.
I hope I would never have to deal with anything Naz or his parents is going through.

Trouble with the law is scary.

So true man. We often only see the side of the person who is locked up, but we don't see how it affects the family emotionally, and financially. I always think about this when I see people getting locked up for ******** by this ********* police. I'm always wondering about their jobs, their bills, family especially men. Some people are like two - three paychecks from being homeless. When **** like this happens, what happens to them and their family especially if they are dependent on them for support.

Too much of the feet man...

I wonder whats the cost of protection gonna be for Naz

The emphasis of the feet is beginning to annoy me also. I think the feet is some kind of revelation as to why he is the way he is. The man has no ambition, and no drive at all. Maybe him living with the shame and embarrassment of that eczema killed his drive. He has to settle for walking around with Moses sandals. Who would/could respect as anything but what he is, a bottom feeder. Let's see what happens in a week if he follows the docs regimen. Hopefully he can get those shoes he saw in the window.

I'm shocked at the support group for eczema :smh:. That was mad depressing to watch.

At one point I thought Omar was going to make Naz do something gay, until I recalled he was banging the female CO earlier. The only thing I can think of is maybe he wants to use Naz's people as drug couriers since his pipeline with the CO isn't an option anymore. Other than that I really don't know what he expects Naz to do for him.

I think if anything, while in court, the fact that she put the cat out shows that she wanted Naz to stay... furthermore, if she never locked that door after letting the cat out.. that could be where the true killer entered.

I thought the same thing, I was waiting for the lawyer to look deeper into the fact that the door was ulocked, and hoping his own allergy to the cat would ring a bell about Naz.
There was no blood on him. 

That and the fact there was no blood on the inhaler which was laying right next to her points to naz being set up to take the fall. Box face when he noticed that and the fact he took it out the crime scene means he sees it too.
No blood on the inhaler? Does that prove his innocence? I think he didn't do it but what makes this proof that he didn't? Could've just fallen off from his pants would be the counter argument.
While I appreciate the honest look at prison life, and understand a setting must take place to set up the meat of the story. It still perplexes me that despite the slow burn of the show, we have reached episode 4 without any observations or ruminations on the facts and lack thereof of the case.
the cat is gonna be what can possibly get Naz off. and Stone is gonna find that out.

I can see him trying to tie in his inhaler (knows he has asthma from the cat) plus the excessive drinking and drugs giving him the alibi of passing out.

you can even throw in his knowledge of conking out from when stone mentioned he's not taking meds for his feet because it knocks him out. I know it's kind of a reach but I can see all that entwined to be the way Stone tries to show he's innocent

I'm still not counting out the possibility that in some bizarre way Naz did it, despite yes, the fact he didn't have blood. I just see it one of those things where they throw so many curveballs at you that the most obvious conclusion ends up being a surprise because we're all sitting here looking at every little thing besides Naz
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No blood on the inhaler? Does that prove his innocence? I think he didn't do it but what makes this proof that he didn't? Could've just fallen off from his pants would be the counter argument.

Obviously it doesnt prove anything but there was blood litterally everywhere, on the other side of the room. If it had fallen out before or during the murder there should be at least a drop on it, it was laying on blood splattered sheets. If it fell out after, meaning after the murder, after naz washing up but before he went downstairs and passed out, i guess. Seems like you would need to be on the bed for it to fall out and land on the bed. Either way, it was incriminating evidence and box shouldnt have took it unless it was evidence harmful to his case. I guess we'll see.
Even if his eczema ends up being a critical part of the case, at this point it's still too much airtime and dialogue about his feet. 
3 episodes have aired.

44 minutes x 3 = 132 minutes

I guarantee you his feet have 40ish minutes of airtime G

The feet are a bit much, but I really enjoy the character development and characters. It's a really well written show.
What if Box saw the inhaler and didnt want it found because it could connect Naz to her bed :nerd: Maybe Box believes Naz didnt do it and is actually protecting him by removing a possible piece of evidence, because I dont think there was anything else in the bedroom that could have definitely connected Naz :nerd:
Box is the only one besides his parents that doesn't think he did it ironically.

Stone hasn't gotten to the point where he thinks Naz is innocent he was just trying to get a lesser sentence rather than no sentence.

gonna be interesting how Box's doubts play out
Nas is left handed. In class he was writing with his left. Key clue.

There was no blood on him. 

There was no blood on him. 

That and the fact there was no blood on the inhaler which was laying right next to her points to naz being set up to take the fall. Box face when he noticed that and the fact he took it out the crime scene means he sees it too.

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Damn it's starting to make sense
Also didn't she say she couldn't go home alone
"I can't be alone tonight."

She knew all along.

I gotta feeling the killer wont be revealed. This show was probably created to give insight on what the legal process is like in this country.
probably a stretch, but I still think the step dad has something to do with it

his whole demeanor was just off. at first he says that he that he was sure it wasnt andrea in the picture, but changes his mind when they ask him to go see her in person? maybe he feels guilty about seeing what he did or what led to it

plus when he talks to box, for not seeing her in years (if i remember correctly) he sure knows alot about what shes been up to. Throw in the cat. He might of known that andrea had a cat and it was an indoor cat. He could of rolled up on the house, saw that the cat was outside, leading him to believe she had someone with her. Gate was left open, he goes in, sees whats left of his dead wifes house and all the drugs, starts to bother him in remembrance of dead wife, he snaps and kills andrea. Leaving nas

just a thought
The Step Dad definitely has something to do with the murder. In the very least, there's a dynamic between his relationship with her that hasn't been revealed yet.
The thing is, the show is clearly trying to make it seem like everyone had something to do with it. They trying to play up all these angles just to keep people guessing.
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