Have You Forgiven Michael Vick? Vol. State Trial to Begin in April

what he did was no diff than dudes going out in the woods and killing deer for fun.
mv7 will forever be my favorite player in the history of the game. no one will replace him in my rankings. i'm not gonna front, i get really emotional wheni think about all the crazy crucifying he's had to endure. i had high hopes for him this season and beyond. this april trial is unnecessary, and heshouldn't get any additional time. i'm optimistic that he could return to the nfl still in his prime at age 29. december 10th is circled on mycalendar, and i'm praying he only gets 6-8 months. anything more than a year would be ludicrous.
the hell should he receive OUR forgiveness for? he didnt wrong us. it was his own life he messed up.

i feel for the guy and his situation, but he did it to himself.
After the ST situation I continue to learn that life is so precious and it is stupid to hold unforgiveness in your life. I forgive him but in reality hedoesn't need forgiveness from me.
I dont defend him doing it.


it's no different from the Vice President or whoever moose/deer/turkey hunting. so the f what if the animal is "domesticated". it's STILLanimal life. and they're throwing the book @ him for this. it's sad that you could get more time for killing animals than people. Vick also surroundedhimself with some flaky type cats anyway. if you wasnt built for the time you shouldnt have been involved. AND Vick is darkskinned. they're AIMING thatbook @ him to make him an example.

when i remember "the law" was basically made by people who defended the abuse and mistreatment of millions of Africans, it pretty much evens itout....
HE didnt do anything to me personally so i have nothing to forgive him for. What people need to realize is that Michael Vick was the scapegoat for all that isgoing wrong with the N.F.L. If this were not such a high profiled BLACK athlete we wouldnt be talking about this right now. I personally dont give a +*#$ whatsomeone does with their own animals. You can call me heartless or whatever you want but you should never let the life of an animal decide the FATE of a humanbeing. If this were brett favre or peyton manning they woulda covered this up like it was area 51 or something. Wtf is the difference between hunting andkilling deer or killing dogs, NOTHING! If your broke thats a different story. If you need to hunt to put food on ur families table thats fine, But if your a!*#@$%@ millionaire you can go to your local !*#@$%@ market and buy the damn meat like most other millionaires.
Comparing this to deer hunting? Again?

I'm far from a hunting spokesman (cant stand it and actually won't defend it), but face the realities if you are just comparing the two....deer arewild animals. Dogs are not. Our society (whether its right or wrong, but it is what it is) looks at dogs and cats as part of their families. I dont see peopleraising deer in their homes, naming them, and having verbal communication with them for generation after generation.

Vick not only trained these dogs to kill for sport, him and his other boys tortured these dogs, forced them to be raped, electrocuted them, drowned them, yadayada. I dont care what anyone says to justify Vick, that **** aint right. Or normal. And spare me the "its his culture" talk. We dont let that flywhen discussing hick racist white people in the south sticking to their cultural activities. They're all idiots in my book.

Having them fight for sport is one thing. Running your own kennel operation and killing them/torturing them if they dont do what you want is another.

As far as the punishment though, that im not really sure of. I agree he shouldnt be spending years of his life in prison. Im really not sure what a justifiablepunishment is to be honest. Seems to me though the man has had so much taken away from him already that if he walked away scot free at his trial it would befine by me.
the hell should he receive OUR forgiveness for? he didnt wrong us
Exactly my sentiments...

Though, I still don't feel sorry for him. Mike made his bed, let him sleep in it.
mv7 will forever be my favorite player in the history of the game. no one will replace him in my rankings. i'm not gonna front, i get really emotional when i think about all the crazy crucifying he's had to endure. i had high hopes for him this season and beyond.
Ugh...You mean you ride Mike Vick harder than Randy?
two dogs are going fight regardless i got 11 dogs and they are always fighting its there nature. They were just lookin for something to get vick with.
dogfighting is not worse than killing deer.

a lot of people cant see that. they cant see that because society tells them what to believe, and they can no longer separate reality from society. sad, but idont blame them for their beliefs.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

dogfighting is not worse than killing deer.


This one time I went hunting with my uncle. After we watched two deer fight, I jumped on the losers head and electrocuted it.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Michael Vick never did anything that warranted my forgiveness.
I hear you Jay, but Mike can't exactly go to the families of the dogs he harmed to ask for forgiveness. His crime was against what society deems ainhumane act which I agree. I'm curious about whether or not people still feel that Mike should be further punished. Career is gone Money is gone Freedomis gone I think he's suffered enough but thats just me
to be honest, i kind of forgot about all of this buisness until recently, i have been more focused on this wierd NCAAF season and vick just left my mind. hedid a bad thing, but he confessed, he feels bad LET THE MAN PLAY we need his excitement
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