Have You Ever Dumped a Long Term GF?

Other than Felino, what else are you having an issue with?
-just overall whining and complaining. I'm never the target though, it's about her job not paying her enough or her co-workers. She'll go on half hour monologues just about every day but not make any effort to gain skills or such that would enable her to seek higher paying employment. As a goal oriented person it really irks me.

And downstairs there's a disabled elderly lady who asks her to do small errands like dropping off her bills and payments, or get a few items at a store. Like less than 10 minutes of work. It's gotten to the point whenever the phone rings she sighs out loud or yells OMG...
how long have yall been together?
Just under a year. From 2015-2019 I was in monk mode building myself up, then right when I was starting to put myself out there COVID hit. So I was on that Pac "M.O.B" lifestyle until I met her.

Something else is that she's 5 years older than me, and physically incapable of having kids. I thought that was a good thing at first, but who knows maybe once I hit my 40s I might start desiring kids. And the age discrepancy is only going to get more awkward...
Is there any way OP can add a poll to the thread?

Personally I vote break up. Not because I think the young lady did anything wrong but because it seems like OP is already checked out and is looking for an excuse.

No kids ever would've been a day 1 deal breaker for me though.
Not gonna lie, without further context, she sounds just fine and you're coming off like a Seinfeld episode

"You're breaking up with her? But I thought things were going great between you two."
"They are but.....her cat keeps vomiting on my clothes..."
"Her cat VOMITED on your clothes?"
"Second time THIS WEEK!"
"Well what's wrong with it?"
"I don't know, she's been saying she's gonna take it to the vet since November"
"It's February"
"Maybe you should take a look at it, you did save that whale"
"Oh suuuure, I'll just reach into its blowhole and pull out a hairball"

OP hates cats so much it’s spilling over to the owner :lol: :smh:

“You Vomited on my clothes”

Dawg I'm in tears.

OP: "Should I break up with my gf"

NT: " idk, pics???"



this is why i keep coming back to this lovely site :rofl:

I love you too Methodical Management Methodical Management
-just overall whining and complaining. I'm never the target though, it's about her job not paying her enough or her co-workers. She'll go on half hour monologues just about every day but not make any effort to gain skills or such that would enable her to seek higher paying employment. As a goal oriented person it really irks me.

And downstairs there's a disabled elderly lady who asks her to do small errands like dropping off her bills and payments, or get a few items at a store. Like less than 10 minutes of work. It's gotten to the point whenever the phone rings she sighs out loud or yells OMG...

Just under a year. From 2015-2019 I was in monk mode building myself up, then right when I was starting to put myself out there COVID hit. So I was on that Pac "M.O.B" lifestyle until I met her.

Something else is that she's 5 years older than me, and physically incapable of having kids. I thought that was a good thing at first, but who knows maybe once I hit my 40s I might start desiring kids. And the age discrepancy is only going to get more awkward...
No disrespect OP but after everything you said this last part is the major and only thing worth really thinking about. The rest seems petty and actually quite normal.
-just overall whining and complaining. I'm never the target though, it's about her job not paying her enough or her co-workers. She'll go on half hour monologues just about every day but not make any effort to gain skills or such that would enable her to seek higher paying employment.
lol are you serious? that’s what pretty much all women do. she just wants you to listen, not lecture her on how she needs to fix her problems. good luck on never getting married.
-just overall whining and complaining. I'm never the target though, it's about her job not paying her enough or her co-workers. She'll go on half hour monologues just about every day but not make any effort to gain skills or such that would enable her to seek higher paying employment. As a goal oriented person it really irks me.

And downstairs there's a disabled elderly lady who asks her to do small errands like dropping off her bills and payments, or get a few items at a store. Like less than 10 minutes of work. It's gotten to the point whenever the phone rings she sighs out loud or yells OMG...

Just under a year. From 2015-2019 I was in monk mode building myself up, then right when I was starting to put myself out there COVID hit. So I was on that Pac "M.O.B" lifestyle until I met her.

Something else is that she's 5 years older than me, and physically incapable of having kids. I thought that was a good thing at first, but who knows maybe once I hit my 40s I might start desiring kids. And the age discrepancy is only going to get more awkward...
40 😲Them kids gone bust yo *** at 40. Gonna be whooping you in basketball by the time they 10 :lol:
No disrespect OP but after everything you said this last part is the major and only thing worth really thinking about. The rest seems petty and actually quite normal.

Yeah he definitely should've led with the last part.

I'm 26. I told my current main situation I want my first by 28. So she got two years to decide if it will be her or imma find someone else that is ready.
Yeah he definitely should've led with the last part.

I'm 26. I told my current main situation I want my first by 28. So she got two years to decide if it will be her or imma find someone else that is ready.
Right :lol:
"I might leave my girl. She gets me gifts and cooks dinner, but she complains about being under paid and helping the elderly........ but also she can't have kids and I might want them" :stoneface:

I had the opposite situation happen. She was older and wanted kids with in the next couple years and I expressed I wouldn't be ready in the next 5. We decided to not pursue a serious relationship and ended things mutually.
lol are you serious? that’s what pretty much all women do. she just wants you to listen, not lecture her on how she needs to fix her problems. good luck on never getting married.

I think you've got it twisted here.

You don't have to accept your relationship circumstances just cause 'everyone else' deals with it.

Especially when there's no kids or financial commitments.
-just overall whining and complaining. I'm never the target though, it's about her job not paying her enough or her co-workers. She'll go on half hour monologues just about every day but not make any effort to gain skills or such that would enable her to seek higher paying employment. As a goal oriented person it really irks me.

And downstairs there's a disabled elderly lady who asks her to do small errands like dropping off her bills and payments, or get a few items at a store. Like less than 10 minutes of work. It's gotten to the point whenever the phone rings she sighs out loud or yells OMG...

Just under a year. From 2015-2019 I was in monk mode building myself up, then right when I was starting to put myself out there COVID hit. So I was on that Pac "M.O.B" lifestyle until I met her.

Something else is that she's 5 years older than me, and physically incapable of having kids. I thought that was a good thing at first, but who knows maybe once I hit my 40s I might start desiring kids. And the age discrepancy is only going to get more awkward...
Bruh you should always give guidance to your female. If you're irked by her job complaints then plant the seeds into her head that she needs to level up career wise. Getting certified, taking classes here and there or whatever to move up. Help her look into a career change in order to motivate her.
If you've talked thru the minor things already and she's not fulfilling her end then that's a different story.

Again, how old are you?

A year is not a long term relationship by any means. The most important thing here is deciding if you would want kids with this person. Physically having kids doesn't mean you can't IVF or adopt.
Nice to see NT back at it with asking for pics first.

If her cat threw up on her clothes then you just need to do the same to hers.

If you want kids though, then she's well past her expiration date.

I ended a long term relationship cause she was pocket watching to the extreme. Looked up my jewelry and would say **** like how can I spend $xxx,xxx on jewelry for myself and none on her.
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