Have any NTer's been selected to be in a Jury?

Oct 28, 2007
I was selected to be a Juror for a murder case that has lasted three weeks. After four days of deliberation we came up with a verdict today. We found the defendant guilty of 1st degree murder. It was unpleasant hearing the verdict read out loud in front of the defendant and his family who were in the room.

This has been my first time being selected and I was surprised being the youngest one (22yrs old) to be picked for a more serious case, next youngest was 27. Has anyone been a juror? I would like to hear about some of your experiences.
Crazy you made this thread because I just got the letter in the mail to fill out my information to be sent in for possible jury duty. That was like 3 weeks ago and they sent me a card today "reminding" me to send my info. :lol: I honestly forgot about it.
I was a juror in a double homicide once. The defendants bloody glove didn't fit, so I was forced to aquit.
i was when i 19 I believe. it was a rape case or something. we found the defendant not guilty. There wasn't enough evidence
I was selected as a juror the first time I ever received a jury duty letter. :x :smh:
Judge was rejecting my excuses left and right but I finally got off.
Was a juror for a cholo named "puppet." He was waving a gun at a party he was not invited to. Was found guilty by us. His public defender was terrible and basically proved the prosecution's case. If anyone here gets arrested, which will happen based on past threads, don't use a public defender. They don't give a damn about you. Otherwise, it was a good experience.
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i get out by saying i am illiterate and can't speak english.
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I was in a grand jury. I wanted to do it, because of my interest in the law. Unfortunately I didn't like school enough to remain in law school that long. Hopefully I'll be selected for a trial one day.
i got a thing to fill out over a year ago, never filled it out :lol:

nothing has happened to me.
I've served on a federal civil jury. Can't remember too many of the specifics now since it was over 10 years ago, but I do remember it was a slip and fall on an oil rig. Case was weak from the prosecution side and the Defense gave up a better argument with way more stuff on their side.

I've gotten summons for local stuff several times, but since I've worked around the courts for the past 9 years I almost always get out after a few minutes of voir dire. Although the last time I got called in, even knowing people in the judge's chambers didn't get me released quickly, one of the person's selected was a Criminal Clerk at the court. Took working for a firm that one of the parties worked at to get me out of that one.
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