May 23, 2005
I got the summons and thinking about not showing up
I already got it postponed last year calling in
But maaaan I honestly don't feel like showing up
Don't want to miss work to be honest
Anything bad come from anyone else not attending jury duty
I have skipped out before but that was because I just never opened up my letter because it got mixed with junk mail
I think in Miami-Dade you could only reschedule it like 2-3 times before they take you in for contempt of court and you gotta explain why you didn't go.
the first time went the lady at the desk basically told me they have no way of proving you

ever actually received the summons, when I got the next one I just said f it, wanted me to go all the way across the city

I won't make a habit of just ignoring them but I wouldn't stress over missing it either
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It most likely depends on what state you live in. Here in California if you fail to show up they will send you another summons. If you fail to show up to that one you will have a bench warrant issued.
It most likely depends on what state you live in. Here in California if you fail to show up they will send you another summons. If you fail to show up to that one you will have a bench warrant issued.
see thats what im afraid of
but i missed others cause i didnt open my mail
maybe i could just say i never received it
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Just realized you are in Oakland. Don't risk it man, when the Governator was in office he changed up the rules and made it a lot more harsh for those who tried to get out of it. If you go to jury duty I can give you some good tips so you are sure to get dismissed on the first day.
I have Jury duty next week and I may have a way more important thing going on that very same week. If that comes to be the case I definitely will not be in attendance.

Looks like I will be as biased as possible on day one then :lol:
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I live in ga and they come get you the same day, and you have to explain to the judge why you didn't show and it better be a good excuse or he fines you, either you pay it or get locked up.

All you gotta do is say you have a bias when they are doing the selection of the jury, and you can get out of it. That's what I did, because I knew some people personally involved and I still got my check for missing work :pimp: even though I was done by 930
The key to getting dismissed isn't making waves at all, it's actually quite the opposite. You don't know what type of judge will be hearing the case you get called in on and if he/she is on douche status they can easily reassign you to a civil case, then you're completely assed out(2 week trial at a minimum). The key is to answer every single question that is asked by the judge, every single question. This will cause either the prosecuting or defense attorney to dismiss you. You will come across to either one of these attorneys as a thorn, and that's exactly what you want. Answer each question with vigor and make yourself heard, trust me it's guaranteed to work.
I thought I was cool and just threw it away like w/e... A couple months later I got a letter stating that I now have a "failure to appear" on my record or some sh*t and that I will get another summons within the next couple of months. If I don't go to that, then a bench warrant will be issued or my arrest.

I got another summons the following month and I made sure I was first in line. I didn't get picked tho...
I got two notices, didn't go at all. nothing has happened...............yet 
I know for alameda county if you never called the number or checked online they have no proof you got the letter. But since you rescheduled I think you have to go in.
How does jury duty work? I'm 24 and never got called for it.

I move a lot so maybe that's it
if you get summoned for jury duty, this is usually the next step:

you have to call in for a few days to see if they select you or your pool...a phone message will tell you if you have to show up tomorrow or not
...most people go through this without ever having to physically show up

if you do get selected (after being summoned) - then you have to go there & it's another story

PS - If you skipped, you may want to call someone about it on the other end (and usually there is no problem)...i've been summoned an unusually high number of times myself - like close 8-10 times now since age 18!
I always request to postpone whenever I get a summon and it always works. :pimp:

when i have requested a postponement, it works too...but then i get another notice in like 6 months

i feel if you don't work through the cycle (by serving or being let off by not being selected) they keep putting your name in da draw bin
Had jury duty back in November.. I didn't get picked tho.. But that wait was unreal, I wanted them to call my name because I was sick of waiting so damn long..
I got summoned once, but i got a nice judge. He asked everyone in court if they had conflicts such as; being the only person working in the family, college student going to school full time, etc. And when it was my turn, i told him that i was a full time college student and attend school everyday, and he basically said, "I'm not paying for school and I don't want you to miss classes, so you're dismissed." They told me they'd reschedule me for next time, but it's been a few years since then and still nothing.
I wrote them back with my left hand and that says "no english", they never sent me another one since *kanye shruggs*
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