Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? Vol. Mixed emotions...

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Once again, people handle things differently.. Who the $%## are you to say it's selfish?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The person is "weak" and a "coward" etc etc... Are you REALLY in the position to pass judgement on people? YOU don't know what someone is going through to commit suicide, rather than judging the persons actions, how about a "Damn, I wish Johnny could've found a better way to deal with this, R.I.P" and keep it moving?.. and No, I'm not mad, simp.[/color]
by the same token...

Who the %#@@ are you to say its not selfish?
Are you REALLY in the position to pass judgement on people?
You don't know what that person is going through either

your opinion is no more important than anybody elses...

got real upset that somebody disagreed with you
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Like someone said, it's a touchy subject and indeed it really is..upset that someone disagreed with me? Save that for another time my dude, I noticed you always have some %+%# to say to me, agreeing or disagreeing has nothingto do with this topic, so keep it moving.[/color]
people who say suicide is selfish are some of the most ignorant people.

No one in their straight mind would ever take their own life, only someone in a poor and abnormal mental state would do so. That's why they call themvictims of suicide, they're victims to abnormalities in their brain chemistry, these aren't "normal"people committing these acts- they're people suffering from real problems and they can't make rational decisions. If anything they deserve our pity andtheir family our condolences.

wow... just woke up and NT making me start off the day on a crappy mood
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Once again, people handle things differently.. Who the $%## are you to say it's selfish?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The person is "weak" and a "coward" etc etc... Are you REALLY in the position to pass judgement on people? YOU don't know what someone is going through to commit suicide, rather than judging the persons actions, how about a "Damn, I wish Johnny could've found a better way to deal with this, R.I.P" and keep it moving?.. and No, I'm not mad, simp.[/color]
by the same token...

Who the %#@@ are you to say its not selfish?
Are you REALLY in the position to pass judgement on people?
You don't know what that person is going through either

your opinion is no more important than anybody elses...

got real upset that somebody disagreed with you
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Like someone said, it's a touchy subject and indeed it really is.. upset that someone disagreed with me? Save that for another time my dude, I noticed you always have some %+%# to say to me, agreeing or disagreeing has nothing to do with this topic, so keep it moving.[/color]

i should have expected you to think that i always ahve something to say to you

you seem to think that about everybody who responds to you...
Originally Posted by ekon one

people who say suicide is selfish are some of the most ignorant people.

No one in their straight mind would ever take their own life, only someone in a poor and abnormal mental state would do so. That's why they call them victims of suicide, they're victims to abnormalities in their brain chemistry, these aren't "normal" people committing these acts- they're people suffering from real problems and they can't make rational decisions. If anything they deserve our pity and their family our condolences.

wow... just woke up and NT making me start off the day on a crappy mood

Getting mad at someone for committing suicide is like getting mad at someone for dying from cancer. Mental illness is a disease.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

Suicide is the most cowardly move ever , It is so selfish.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Taking your own life is a "cowardly" act? I think you have to have some pretty big ones to go through that.. Secondly, how is it selfish? Someone is going through some *++* in their life, and can't deal with it, yet you think it's "selfish" of them to not stick around and endure the pain? People handle things differently.[/color]
Sad that people can sit here and judge/name-call the dead, everyone is NOT the same and everyone has different issues.. All you have to do is say R.I.P andkeep it moving.
I see it as being selfish. A person who kills themselves doesn't realize that people do care/love them. That person may not think they have people behindthem but they do and things could always be worse. All those people will be broken, possibily realize they didn't do enough and possibliy blame themselves.I try to never complain in my life because I know there is someone out there with a situation that I wouldn't wish for myself or my worst enemy. By killingyourself is like taking the easy route. I'm not saying it's easy to just kill yourself because there is something inside everyone that will hold themback, but its the easier route because standing up to your problems is much harder. We all face obstacles in our lives and they make us stronger and we learnfrom them. Nothing is worth losing your own life over via suicide. No offense to the NT'er who mentioned their friend who did suicide after their secondtour of Iraq, but as an example, what about the person doing a third tour or the person who lost limbs and still got sent back. Correct me if I' mwrong butdon't some soldier rehabilitate after losing limbs and get sent back? Who is to say they have a situation work killing themselves over? There reallyisn't, that's like counting to infinity there will always be a worse situation
I think people who say its "COWARDLY" and "SELFISH" are failing to realize that maybe you dont really give a s*#t about that personuntil they actually DO commit the suicide or make the attempt, ever thought about that??? no flame or hate on anyone here but I think we all can agree man toman that there are times when you go weeks, months or so without being close to certain family, friends or whatever and then these people go through so muchpain and emotion that in THIER minds and insides they feel that nobody cares or maybe they are hurting people by living let alone that you would care anywayuntil something tragic happened. I see the failed attempts or the CRY WOLF ones to be ******ed because they are justthat!! screaming out for attention. But the ones that really go through with it and end up doing it, maybe they have soo much inside and feel that its just notworth it all to be around here, maybe in thier lives the people they once thought of as family, or friends- neglected them or have grown a huge distance withthat it wouldnt matter to anyone while that person was alive to even notice them.. IDK.. good thread to talk about though
smh Its not about them not realizing that their are people who care about them therefore their selfish..they have a mental disease at that point no one in anear straight mind would take their own life. At that point you are so deep in a depression state that really nothing is made sense of those rational thoughtsof "I will hurt this person if i do this" or "I can overcome this" or out the door. They are victims of suicide! Its a mental illness
That's why they call them victims of suicide, they're victims to abnormalities in their brain chemistry, these aren't "normal" people committing these acts- they're people suffering from real problems and they can't make rational decisions.
QFT to the tenth power, The people offing themselvesarent in the normal state of mind. SOMETHING or SOMETHINGS have them not in the right state of mind so the depression, pain and suffering they feel inside arecompletely taking over thier rationality to life and I bet many have made numerous attempts to try and get over these things or even seeked professional helpbut still wasnt helping. Different people have totally different issues and you honestly think the person going through all that is going to put intoperspectinve "what if my so called friend or so called Brother, mother, father etc etc... gets upset if I do this??? like I said in previous post what ifnobody gave a rats about this individual untill AFTER the suicide, I see that happening alot. Peeps are always saying "he/she shouldnt have done thatbecause now we the family have all this stress to deal with... eff the stress, I bet the person is going through HELLcompared to the families Stress.. my .02 cents
Actually, nvm.

It's not really right to assume everything is the same for everyone.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

It's cowardly because they can't man up to life's struggles. It's selfish because they are thinking about self without realizing they will hurt many from their actions.

The Japanese in the Vietnam war committed suicide as a sense of value and honor to their country and their family

My cousin committed suicide November 13th, 2008. Only 25 years old.

She was dealing with depression for [years] and she attempted suicide not once, but twice before...

Very talented, beautiful, intelligent young woman, but so hurt.

We still don't know why. She was making $60-$65k a year ironically working for a teen magazine dealing with suicide/depression.

I hope she found the peace she was looking for.

May 29th, 2009 - A young guy in my area committed suicide. Only 18. Was a upcoming/aspiring rapper. Had a lot of fans in our area/out of state. Shot himself.Don't know why. Hope he's at peace with himself and God.
I agree it is selfish and cowardly for the same reasons mentioned before. It is obviously selfish if you have parents that paid for you, fed you, took theirpersonal time to help you and that goes for any person that ever made a sacrifice for you. That person took time from their life away from what they wanted todo to make your life better, and you quit on them. That is what is cowardly. You quit on life when you are 99.9% of the time in a better situation thanmillions in this world, but they keep on pushin. Nobody said life was easy and that's why people try to help others, but for you to end your life is thedefinition of being a quitter in this game we call life.
I'm going to give in a little and admit like a lot of things you can't rush to judgment and for me to be so sure in my answer without saying I neededmore details is wrong. And for the person who said the Japanese did it for honor it's because they were fighting for their country. What about the personwho killed themselves because their girl left them? Or any other soft reason like that? They are not cowards in their own way? The people who are ignorant arethe ones that don't realize that many things are situational and you can't just generalize most times. That is why we go back and forth because thereis always room to go back and forth until you talk about a more specific situation.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Don't listen to IMPORTKING. How is suicide selfish? Actually thinking it's selfish is selfish because you are only thinking about how it would affect you. You ignore the fact that the person has a problem
yep, that's right. It's like saying "don't kill yourself because I'LL be sad, and icare only about myself and not your problems"
but i can not agree that it's a cowardice move..
there's nothing cowardly about someone leaving this stage of live and moving on to the next phase, whatever that might be. it shows some bravery in myeyes, because no one on earth has any certainty about what happens after "death." i won't look down on someone for taking control of theirdestiny, unless of course they took out others with them. you never ever ever ever know what kind of stuff people are going through. be thankful for the yearsthat they may have lived in misery to appease others around them. i think everyone has a breaking point. if your life is so good that you don't see yoursor never could've related to suicide victims, then be thankful, but don't call them names. instead, look around and see what you can do to make theworld a more pleasant place to live. the same people calling them cowards after people commit suicide were probably the same ones to make their lives hell.

by the way, i actually think a lot of people live their lives recklessly because they want to die. is that any better than committing suicide?
fam.... dont do it... the night is always darkest just before the dawn... or somethin like that... you know what i mean...

life can get pretty +*%$++.... just wait things out... time heals alot more than you think..
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