Has anyone black nter's got a HAIR TRANSPLANT(Yes J Foxx)

Originally Posted by zyzybalubah1


that just looks frickin ridiculous.
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

he didnt get a transplant, he gets that bejin(sp) procedure done by his barber. you wouldnt transplant your hairline that far down, cuz it looks ridic, those transplant docs take it too serious to make a hairline that recklessly low.
Originally Posted by t0xicman

Just so you know if you are serious about a transplant and do plan to get it, the transplant is not a one-time solution.
if you continue to lose hair(your only 22) you may need to get further transplants in the future.

there are two fda approved drugs for hair loss, these drugs prevent further hairloss, they do not really re-grow hair, but help maintain what u have. most effective in the crown area and not so much in the hairline
Minoxidil (rogaine) & finisteride(propecia)

yes i did my research, there is a forum www.hairtransplantnetwork.com , a forum of people who lost/losing thier hair and give support blah blah

that's your best bet for now man. Go to the doctor, and they'll give it to you no problem.
Yo can anyone explain the whole bejin thing to me. I never knew what it was cuz no barbershop round my way be doin it. I would like to atleast try it one timeto get that crisp steve harvey hairline (that he used to have). Im good wit the whole Jamie Foxx connecting my hairline to my eyebrows look tho. Just someoneexplain what the whole bejin process is plz.
My mother uses Bigen but bigen doesnt give the illusion of having hair just darkens balding/graying spots.
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