Harnessing Hip-Hop to teach students.....

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Since your explanation was in quotes, I ignored it. I was looking for your own words. Maybe those are, I don't know...

certainly, if you expect black children to identify and employ STANDARD ENGLISH (as opposed to the dialect they learn culturally) then they should have the same access to ESL programs as africans, hispanics and asians.


I'm not with that AT ALL. Most of the kids they are referring to grew up in the US. There's no excuse for them to not to "identify and employ STANDARD ENGLISH." Is this a joke?


Should there be a "redneck" English class in southern states too? Like I said before, this all assumes that "certain kids" are NOT capable of learning STANDARD ENGLISH, standard math, standard anything. It's sad really.

"Them lil negros ain't learning, let's rap it to them!"

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

When I saw this thread I instantly thought of this...

and one word; corny.

It could work as a way for kids to memorize things, but in order for that to work, it would have to be done by someone with enough clout for the kids to listen to. I could see kids spitting lyrics to recall an answer to a test question, but outside of that, how far do the same kids have to take it? I think this is an attempt to dumb down learning and assumes that "certain kids" can't learn the same way everyone else does.

The problem is that in the "real world" no one is going to rap the answer to you on your job or when tackling a complex problem. You may have to crack open a boring book or attend a boring training session and actually take in, analyze and apply what you've learned from standard methods.

I think that could possibly work. But making songs about dinosaurs, element chart, shakespeare etc... will just be just as pointless as it is children learning it in the traditional methods used today.


 @ people still taking "Harnessing Hip-Hop to teach students" in the literal sense. (too the BOTH of you)
pointless? yep.
corny? sure.
....thats why thats NOT what they're talking about.


so are they saying that hip hop can be used to revamp the terrible, and overall flawed education system and curriculum that is being used today? Cause thats the problem. i mean really... taking a hog, givin it lipstick and a wig doesnt change the fact its still a pig.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Since your explanation was in quotes, I ignored it. I was looking for your own words. Maybe those are, I don't know...


....oh word?
- ftr, the initial explaination was in the video.

- the SECOND explaination (by me) was on the first page (and it wasnt quoted):
seasoned vet wrote:
...you mean to tell me an English Teacher wouldnt be smart to try using a Hip-Hop song for an English Literature assignment for students uninterested in English Lit otherwise? i mean, if it sparks their interest enough to do the work? right? 

- the THIRD explaination gave a greater detail of an explaination which came from a teacher i know (which was quoted):

A Concerned Educator:
the untapped potential for integrating rap into the classroom is infinite.

no, not have a corny white math teacher rap math facts

but to define onomonopia, then use an example from RAP?

to define enjambment then use an example from RAP?

rap is no less literature than shakespeare sonnets

......3 explainations, yet rapping songs to kids about Science, English, and Math is corny and pointless. well no +!%@ sherlock, thats why that wasnt what they're talking about 
...you missed those explainations because you're too busy doing what the typical NTer does. take one glance at the subject line, skim through whatever visible text is available, half way watch any video posted, then make an asinine smart !$+ comment. its what we do around here.

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by LDJ

I think that could possibly work. But making songs about dinosaurs, element chart, shakespeare etc... will just be just as pointless as it is children learning it in the traditional methods used today.


 @ people still taking "Harnessing Hip-Hop to teach students" in the literal sense. (too the BOTH of you)
pointless? yep.
corny? sure.
....thats why thats NOT what they're talking about.


so are they saying that hip hop can be used to revamp the terrible, and overall flawed education system and curriculum that is being used today? Cause thats the problem. i mean really... taking a hog, givin it lipstick and a wig doesnt change the fact its still a pig.

.....you may be right. but at least we're now on the same page about them NOT talking about rapping lessons to kids

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