Halo 3: ODST...Anybody Gettin' It?

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by KeVeNMaYnE

Im online right now



is the english version out for download yet? i need to get this. beatles rockband and marvel ultimate alliance 2 still
yea came out yesterday
They sed they are not banning people who play the game early, read it somewhere online...
Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

They sed they are not banning people who play the game early, read it somewhere online...
yea if you bought the game early they wont ban you but, if you obtain the game because you have a modded system they will perma-ban
Well after playing firefight with a couple buddies (splitscreen ftl), this game is DEF GREAT

I havnt played campaign yet only firefight and its fun, pretty obvious what it is (cod nazi zombies halo style)

I dont think Ill get banned but either way I know hella people who dont play live who would care less if I swapped xbox's with them so it doesnt matter

if anyone else has it and wants to play firefight pm me
I still don't really get it....if you buy it you can play multiplayer with the people that have halo 3? And then you can play as a Spartan? I only careabout multiplayer.
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I still don't really get it....if you buy it you can play multiplayer with the people that have halo 3? And then you can play as a Spartan? I only care about multiplayer.
ODST comes with two discs: ODST and "halo 3 mythic", which is just the multiplayer aspect of halo 3, no campaign. it includes all released DLC maps and the new maps longshore, heretic, and citadel, and is the only way to get said new maps.
I didn't know that. Kinda makes me wanna acquire this now.
Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I'm too lazy to post up pics and vids, so just go to youtube and search it up.

But on topic, is anybody getting it? Has Halo 3 turned you off from the franchise? Tell me what's good.
I dont think I'll ever understand the hate towards Halo 3
For me I just don't prefer halo because it seems slow to me and the aiming aspect. I much rather would take Call of Duty because you cansprint and I need to aim it's more realistic to me. I can't just try to get them in the circle shoot. Still gonna cop like any other game.
i already had money saved up, but my 360 broke. sigh* i just spent it after...
no grave dig. but do you know what halo 2 brought to xbox? it brought friends list, clans, custom games, it made professional gaming take off online. (besidesCS)
lmao did you guys ever play halo 2 when it first came out on original xbox? it was like nothing ever before on a game console. i played it straight for a wholewinter. halo made live take off to the main stream audience.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by nick0lis

if it wasnt for halo 2 , there would be no call of duty 4.

Right because Halo is what defines a FPS

Ever heard of Counterstrike? Battlefield?
im kinda talkin bout console gaming buddy. i dont know anybody who plays those games online, seriously. if it wasnt for halo do you think peoplewould so readily buy cod 4?
Besides the obvious (COD & Halo) are there any other FPSs that go hard, specifically when it comes to online? I have Left 4 Dead and Orange Box, but theylost their luster and World at War grows increasingly tedious. I played Bad Company but couldn't get into it. I just want something to hold me over untilMW2. Any recommendations? I might give the Rainbow 6 series a spin.
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