Halloween Costumes and Ideas 2016

How do actors get down to this weight in a normal/healthy way?
They hire dietitians who help them lose the weight. Add the fact they have personal chefs who cook make meals for the type of weight they're going for in a role. 

I'm sure it isn't healthy for them though. Yikes.
My girl wants to be a female version suicide squad jared leto joker not harley quinn so I'm goin with batman 
There's gonna be a lot of Trump and a lot of Stranger Things people this Halloween
They hire dietitians who help them lose the weight. Add the fact they have personal chefs who cook make meals for the type of weight they're going for in a role. 

I'm sure it isn't healthy for them though. Yikes.

He actually went to an extreme and did not follow doctors or nutritionists orders and lost an additonal 15 lbs. that almost killed him. There is no meal or personal chef that will make you look like this. He was just not eating after losing a ton of weight.

The crazy thing is how he got bigger for batman right after.

When actors/actresses do a quick weight loss and gain for roles they are definitely harming their health, maybe not immediatly depending on age but down the road.
I think they risk damage to their kidneys and maybe getting diabetes with the extreme weight loss and then weight gain. I think bale filmed batman begins after The Machinist so that's a big change.
so I decided to be a clown before all this clown stuff started poppin' up on IG. I have a feeling Im gonna get attacked 
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