had to create a helpful positive thread for down NTers

Today I'm feeling way more depressed than I've been over the past couple of days. It sucks.

Just goes to show that you have to fight it day by day, moment by moment. I'm trying to implement a lot of the coping behaviors taught in therapy. I'm trying to stop all the negative thoughts from crossing my mind and realize that I am not my thoughts or beliefs, it is not representative of myself. I logged back on NT to look at all the posts I've made in this thread, and it is somewhat interesting to see how I've felt over the past couple of days. I think it was helpful that I did that considering how I'm feeling now.

I am going to start a private handwritten journal as I think this thread as served its purpose for me, and perhaps I have disclosed too much information on this thread.

However, if anyone thinks this has been helpful and would like me to continue writing motivational posts in this thread, please let me know. Part of me wants to keep doing it, but I am at a point in my life where I need to focus on my own priorities and not the needs of other people. It does feel good to be wanted and I've kind of found that in NT. It is amazing that sometimes it is your mind that can accept the words of other people, but not the image seen through your eyes. Language is an interesting phenomenon, but that's another topic.

If you are feeling suicidal right now, I hope you feel better and understand that you aren't the only one feeling that way. I am leaving town tomorrow afternoon and am looking forward to meeting my friend and his group. After writing this post, I am going to order Jimmy John's. Random information but that's the next move.

Please have a safe, enjoyable, and otherwise nice weekend!
**** it, I'm going to keep writing in this thread. It helped me over the past month. Currently experiencing a rough fall-out with a friend cuz I drank way too much last night (which is bad with medication) and texted some really hurtful words to her that I would never say sober.

We are all human and make mistakes, but the only way to keep living is to keep doing and not dwell on the past. Focus on the moment that you have now.

I've always been hard on myself, and now I just need to be my own best friend.
A journal is a great way for you to keep perspective on things. I use a journal to help me think through a lot of things.

It could also be used to track your moods. Sometimes we operate on cycles of emotions and if you could chart the pattern of how you feel on certain days and if there are triggers, you'd be better off for it.

As for your friend I think you need to stop all vices son. Drinking, while on medication, and then texting your "friend" is not a good look. You should make amends and ask for forgiveness if they positively contribute to your life.


My inbox is always open to those who are facing problems.

A journal is a great way for you to keep perspective on things. I use a journal to help me think through a lot of things.

It could also be used to track your moods. Sometimes we operate on cycles of emotions and if you could chart the pattern of how you feel on certain days and if there are triggers, you'd be better off for it.

As for your friend I think you need to stop all vices son. Drinking, while on medication, and then texting your "friend" is not a good look. You should make amends and ask for forgiveness if they positively contribute to your life.


My inbox is always open to those who are facing problems.


Yeah man I ****** up. I won't make excuses for why I said what I said, because ultimately I hurt her feelings. I'm just trying to let her move on and do her own thing, and she said I need to stop worrying about our relationship and focus on myself. She said she is done dealing with me which really hurts but she has every right to say that because I've been stressing her out way more than I thought I was.

I'm really frustrated at myself for putting myself into this situation, but what can I do except learn and try to do better.

I'm gonna abstain from alcohol as long as I'm on these meds. I refused to accept what the medical advice says about mixing alcohol and antidepressants, but I clearly made a big mistake because of my ignorance.

Got to stay positive though. Last night I wrote out a list of life values that I consider important, and I'm going to follow that as best as I can.
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