Guy on a bike gets harassed in Brooklyn

The sidewalk wasnt even busy, cops got worse things to worry about in nyc than a kid riding his bike on a sidewalk where its not busy

So now he's expected to break the law?  Nah, papi.
§ 19-176 - Bicycles operation on sidewalks prohibited
Bicycles ridden on sidewalks may be confiscated and riders may be subject to legal sanctions. See also N.Y.C. Traffic Rules and Regulations §4-07 (c).
§ 1231 - Traffic Laws Applicable to Persons Riding Bicycles
Bicyclists are granted all rights and subject to all duties applicable to operator of vehicle except where not applicable.

Hmmm...let's consider the situation and evaluate our options.


I'm on a bike and I have a driver who supposedly is looking to start trouble with me. I am on a little bike, with very little protection; meanwhile this guy is in control of a vehicle that could easily be in the neighborhood of a ton, and he's being--supposedly--antagonistic with it, toward me.

Option A:
Let me disregard both my well being and common sense, and stay in the immediate vicinity of the supposed threat--the street-- because the law forbids me to ride onto the sidewalk, however temporary the excursion is...


Option B:
Let me value my life, because that's common sense and logical, and get my @-$-$ out of that dangerous situation, by hopping onto that sidewalk and peddling away for 10-20 mins-- even if it means breaking the law.

Hmmm...what to do...corporal safety...or the NYPDs silly law...real tough choice...

LIke I said, bike brah could've easily made the situation a non-happen by bouncing onto that sidewalk, and peddling away for 5-10 mins.

In the event the NYPD stops him and tries to give him a hard about riding on the sidewalk, well he has footage from his Go-Pro to justify his action, right?

So the cyclist is in the wrong for abiding by the law, but the driver is absolved from all of his wrongdoings/law breaking?  There's no speed minimum.  If you tailgate someone you're responsible for creating the dangerous situation. Your logic is appallingly stupid right now.

That you, Edwin?
I used to hate bike riders. But then i bought a bike and started riding the street. And i understand their struggle i hope u guys can do the same
Relative to a moving car, for sure his pace was slow.

When he stops his car, following the THIRD pass by, it's obvious that the situation has escalated and common sense has been abandoned. So of course, by then, "time" is the least of Jew brah's concerns.

Watch the video again. Three times-- Jew brah passed bike brah. If Jew brah wanted to instigate a confrontation, why wait until after the third time? Why did he give the biker room to move on following the first and second run-ins?


Dude, the first time he passes the biker he slows down and tries to pin him against the park cars. You see that, right?


So now he's expected to break the law?  Nah, papi.


§ 19-176 - Bicycles operation on sidewalks prohibited


Bicycles ridden on sidewalks may be confiscated and riders may be subject to legal sanctions. See also N.Y.C. Traffic Rules and Regulations §4-07 (c).



§ 1231 - Traffic Laws Applicable to Persons Riding Bicycles


Bicyclists are granted all rights and subject to all duties applicable to operator of vehicle except where not applicable.

Hmmm...let's consider the situation and evaluate our options.


I'm on a bike and I have a driver who supposedly is looking to start trouble with me. I am on a little bike, with very little protection; meanwhile this guy is in control of a vehicle that could easily be in the neighborhood of a ton, and he's being--supposedly--antagonistic with it, toward me.

Option A:

Let me disregard both my well being and common sense, and stay in the immediate vicinity of the supposed threat--the street-- because the law forbids me to ride onto the sidewalk, however temporary the excursion is...


Option B:

Let me value my life, because that's common sense and logical, and get my @-$-$ out of that dangerous situation, by hopping onto that sidewalk and peddling away for 10-20 mins-- even if it means breaking the law.

Hmmm...what to do...corporal safety...or the NYPDs silly law...real tough choice...:lol:

LIke I said, bike brah could've easily made the situation a non-happen by bouncing onto that sidewalk, and peddling away for 5-10 mins.

In the event the NYPD stops him and tries to give him a hard about riding on the sidewalk, well he has footage from his Go-Pro to justify his action, right?

So the cyclist is in the wrong for abiding by the law, but the driver is absolved from all of his wrongdoings/law breaking?  There's no speed minimum.  If you tailgate someone you're responsible for creating the dangerous situation. Your logic is appallingly stupid right now.

That you, Edwin?

This conversation is just as much about safety as it is about the law. In fact we're having this discussion largely because of the safety issue/topic--see "harassing", see using the car in a dangerous manner, see instigating an altercation, etc. These are all points that touch on the matter of safety. The fact that you're incapable of seeing that, and are instead touting the facile argument of the "law", is greater evidence of your "appallingly stupid logic", and not mine.

Re-read what I previously typed.

That you would uphold a silly law over the immediate safety of the biker is truly sad.

Where and how is driver absolved from his wrongdoing/law breaking? Did I say that? Where? Quote me...

There's no speed limit? STOP PLAYING...:rofl: :rofl:

That's your retort? Seriously? So I can hop on a skate board and wheel about at a snails pace in the middle of traffic and I'd be absolved of any trouble? :rofl:...yeah ok...:rofl:

In actuality, in traffic, every street HAS A SPEED LIMIT and MINIMUM. Just 'cause it aint posted or isn't visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is driving school basics, for crying out loud.

You can get in trouble/ticketed for driving fast, BUT you can also get in trouble/ticketed for driving too SLOW. Thus, if you're driving at a snails pace, and limiting the flow of traffic--which can lead to tailgating events and create other safety issues--and a cop is around/catches you, you will be fined or worse.

I really hope you don't have your license yet because I honestly don't even want to share the road with someone who thinks like you...:lol:

This is all tangential, though.

The fact is dude instigated the whole issue by riding in the middle of the street. Not to the side, but in the dead middle, in a manner that would prevent traffic bypassing traffic. When ishh hit the fan, he would have easily avoided the whole thing by hopping on the side walk but he didn't, and that's that. He is equally as responsible for harassment as the Jewish man.


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Relative to a moving car, for sure his pace was slow.

When he stops his car, following the THIRD pass by, it's obvious that the situation has escalated and common sense has been abandoned. So of course, by then, "time" is the least of Jew brah's concerns.

Watch the video again. Three times-- Jew brah passed bike brah. If Jew brah wanted to instigate a confrontation, why wait until after the third time? Why did he give the biker room to move on following the first and second run-ins?


Dude, the first time he passes the biker he slows down and tries to pin him against the park cars. You see that, right?

And prior to that incident, you can hear him honking twice at the biker, as though to tell him to move faster or out of the way.

Yes he pins him, but what happens next? He moves away and the biker proceeds.

The second time, he actually opens his window and tries to tell the biker something, at which point the biker shouts obscenities at him.

Two prior instances when the Jewish guy could've easily pinned him, gotten out, and started whatever, but he didn't. Doesn't this suggest, in the slightest, that a confrontation was the last thing on his mind.

Look at the second encounter again--he slows the biker down, opens his window to state--perhaps the very point he has been attempting to make the entire time--which is that on a condensed roadway, the biker shouldn't be riding about in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET AT SUCH A SLOW PACE. But what happens, the biker just cusses at him and rides BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.

The driver wasn't in the right for how he handled the situation--a point I've stated and made clear since my very first post in this thread.

[COLOR=#red]However--MY MAIN POINT--let's not absolve the biker of fault here. Let's not act like he didn't fan the flames and do an equal part in instigating the whole thing.[/COLOR]

They are both GUILTY of being foolish. Why can't anyone see that? Why are people acting like I am pointing a finger only at the biker...:lol:

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Obviously, Jewish brah had no right to detain the guy on the bike, but in all fairness bike bruh is largely at fault here.

Dude was literally riding in the middle of street, at a pace that was clearly too slow for traffic.

If you watch the vid, it appears that this is what initially ticked off Jewish brah.

Initial pass:

Second pass:

Third pass:

With the size of the street already reduced because of parked cars, there's barely any room for bypassing car traffic with the way dude is riding about. I mean Jewish brah SHOULDN'T have to break the law--driving over the solids into uncoming traffic--to get his car to pass.

Dude on the bike could've easily moved to the sidewalk, but evidently with his new Go-Pro on hand, he wasn't having any of that. It's clear that he wanted to be in the middle of the street for footage. Shame on both sides, but bike brah had it coming to him with that foolishness he was pulling.


You're obviously not a cyclist. You ride in the middle of the road for your own protection from people getting out of the driver's side of their cars without looking before opening the door.

I used to be a cyclist so I can empathize with the guy, but at the same time you're so vulnerable when you're on your bike that sometimes you just have to take the L and get your *** on the sidewalk. No point in trying to play tough guy against a lunatic in a 3,500lb minivan.

The biker is not at fault in the slightest.
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honestly dude on the bike should be riding on the side walk. All the Hasidic Jews that appeared on the scene out of no where were complete jokes too, holding up traffic like other people don't have places to be. :smh:
had i been stuck on that street because of these clowns i would have lost it, i have a short fuse behind the wheel...
Nt needs more cliffs or stop quoting every long post
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Cyclist should've never rode in the middle of the street blocking the lane. I ride my bike all over this city and that's the worst thing you can do. I've even rode down the yellow line that separates both lane but only quickly to dodge cars.
Hasid overreacted tho boxing him in and detaining him. He only had balls cuz he thought his his neighborhood "law enforcement" was coming to his rescue.
jfmartimcdandruff jfmartimcdandruff it's actually against the law for cyclists to run red lights. It almost never gets enforced but I seen a dude get pulled over for it, 5-0 did a warrant check and boom dude was on his way to jail
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Cyclist should've never rode in the middle of the street blocking the lane. I ride my bike all over this city and that's the worst thing you can do. I've even rode down the yellow line that separates both lane but only quickly to dodge cars.
Hasid overreacted tho boxing him in and detaining him. He only had balls cuz he thought his his neighborhood "law enforcement" was coming to his rescue.
jfmartimcdandruff jfmartimcdandruff it's actually against the law for cyclists to run red lights. It almost never gets enforced but I seen a dude get pulled over for it, 5-0 did a warrant check and boom dude was on his way to jail

seeing how you're the only person here with half a brain.

if the real police showed up, could the cyclist have them detained? or just their info if he wanted to sue/press charges?
The Hasidic dude had absolutely no right to do what he did. Hope up the dude and not let him out for what? The police? WTF are the police going to do? Nothing. Its just like most of the Hasidic community (not saying all) feels like they can do whatever the hell they want and that the world stops for them. Had an accident years ago in my old WJ Grand Cherokee where I was parked and some dude came flying across the street and slammed into my Jeep at the time. View media item 744853

Happened to be a hasidic that worked at B&H here in Manhattan. Dude had no license, no insurance and somehow didnt get a ticket or get arrested. Some shiat isnt it? Anyways so I got the Jeep fixed and I wanted to collect my money (paid it so I didnt have to call my insurance) and everytime I went into the store, they would go hide him. I finally got annoyed and started making a scene screaming Samuel where the **** are you and then all of a sudden like 6 jews came out and one wanted to get smart with me and I was like you better **** and go get him or my money. Then I guess they figured out I wasnt playing and dude paid me my money. But they displayed the same thing that these guys did, everyone of them gets involved like they are going to scare somebody. FOH I still get pissed off about this to this day from time to time and this thread brought this back up. lol

I am not a fan of the cyclists in NYC because they break most laws and they too think they can do what they want but I dont get into an argument with them unless they almost hit my Jeep or if they hold onto the car while I am driving. Made a cyclist almost flip over once when he was holding on and gf asked him nicely to let go and he told her **** you. So I gassed up the SRT and slammed on the brakes. Then I got out and he got off the bike and grabbed his chain. He started swinging it like a rope and I said go ahead you get one shot if you miss you are dead. Then he thought about it, put the chain away and left. Enough of my stories. lol

I have experienced situations from both types of the people involved and they both have the same mentality (for the most part, not all) that they can do what they want but here this situation escalated for no reason. If I was in the Jewish guy's shoes all I would have done is go around him. What was the purpose for doing what he did? This could have escalated into something where someone could have gotten hurt, over what? Because the guy was riding in the middle of the street and since in your mind you are special and if it bothers you it has to stop? And the bad part of this, if this would have escalated into the cyclist getting hurt you would not have heard anything in the media. SMH.

Cyclist was wrong for riding in the middle of the street but the jewish guy's actions were not necessary and he was damn lucky he ran into someone who didnt put his foot up his ***. The need to do this to the cyclist simply baffles me. Just go around and move on with your day.
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Cyclist should've never rode in the middle of the street blocking the lane. I ride my bike all over this city and that's the worst thing you can do. I've even rode down the yellow line that separates both lane but only quickly to dodge cars.
Hasid overreacted tho boxing him in and detaining him. He only had balls cuz he thought his his neighborhood "law enforcement" was coming to his rescue.
jfmartimcdandruff jfmartimcdandruff it's actually against the law for cyclists to run red lights. It almost never gets enforced but I seen a dude get pulled over for it, 5-0 did a warrant check and boom dude was on his way to jail

yeah of course, but i deal with bikers occasionally and i just don't know whether they're going to stop or not gets irritating
Y'all just some high tempered drivers that aren't going anywhere important but feel like they deserve complete control of the road. If there's no bike lane on that particular street what are you suppose to do?
And prior to that incident, you can hear him honking twice at the biker, as though to tell him to move faster or out of the way.

Yes he pins him, but what happens next? He moves away and the biker proceeds.

The second time, he actually opens his window and tries to tell the biker something, at which point the biker shouts obscenities at him.

Two prior instances when the Jewish guy could've easily pinned him, gotten out, and started whatever, but he didn't. Doesn't this suggest, in the slightest, that a confrontation was the last thing on his mind.

Look at the second encounter again--he slows the biker down, opens his window to state--perhaps the very point he has been attempting to make the entire time--which is that on a condensed roadway, the biker shouldn't be riding about in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET AT SUCH A SLOW PACE. But what happens, the biker just cusses at him and rides BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.


:lol: Damn near assaults the man with his vehicle. Has not one, not two, but three chances to drive past the biker but refuses. You're right, the last thing he wanted was a confrontation. :lol: Guy's in such a hurry but he's got to harass the biker 3 times. Give me a break.

The biker almost gets crushed between two vehicles, I don't blame him for telling the driver to **** off. You think he was rolling down the window to politely ask him to move to the side of the road? Come on.
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And prior to that incident, you can hear him honking twice at the biker, as though to tell him to move faster or out of the way.

Yes he pins him, but what happens next? He moves away and the biker proceeds.

The second time, he actually opens his window and tries to tell the biker something, at which point the biker shouts obscenities at him.

Two prior instances when the Jewish guy could've easily pinned him, gotten out, and started whatever, but he didn't. Doesn't this suggest, in the slightest, that a confrontation was the last thing on his mind.

Look at the second encounter again--he slows the biker down, opens his window to state--perhaps the very point he has been attempting to make the entire time--which is that on a condensed roadway, the biker shouldn't be riding about in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET AT SUCH A SLOW PACE. But what happens, the biker just cusses at him and rides BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.


:lol: Damn near assaults the man with his vehicle. Has not one, not two, but three chances to drive past the biker but refuses. You're right, the last thing he wanted was a confrontation. :lol: Guy's in such a hurry but he's got to harass the biker 3 times. Give me a break.

The biker almost gets crushed between two vehicles, I don't blame him for telling the driver to **** off. You think he was rolling down the window to politely ask him to move to the side of the road? Come on.
the driver had plenty of times to pass up the biker and go about his way.. but he decides to try to pin him.. 3 times.. your already in front of the biker why not just get in front of him and just drive off?
props to the dude coming through and helping the biker out of that situation.
and lol @ dude writing whole paragraphs trying to defend the driver trying to pin the biker against the parked cars 3 TIMES.
clearly has something against bike riders.

also, is it just me or does the bike dude sound like oskar kokoshka from hey arnold :rofl:
was anyone else laughing when dude said "baloneyy macoroni" 
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