Guy Meets Girl - How to Create Attraction


I actually read some of that. Good stuff.
I am glad you liked it, on the side note, what is this whip it out b-s you are trying to get a girl not some girl that would sleep around with any guy with abig d.

So sit the #%$# down and learn.
^have you read some of those examples?? so damn cheesy. but i guess its working. its all over other the net and in other forums with multiple pages. or maybetheres just a bunch of people that need help and view him as their leader... most of that is straight up

thanks for wasting my time
Originally Posted by ChrisShouraisei

I am glad you liked it, on the side note, what is this whip it out b-s you are trying to get a girl not some girl that would sleep around with any guy with a big d.

So sit the #%$# down and learn.

Hi my name is ChrisShouraisei and I look like this:
Are you serious? You have to be a COMPLETE N00B to sit and read all that mess. I mean.. On some "I've never kissed a girl" type @##!.
Great stuff op many just like to talk @%# but this stuff def works even though it might be obvious.... a lot of dudes have no idea how effective all this is
You really thought someone was going to read that wall of text, huh......

Common sense > body language.
That was actually a good post. A lot of things that are obvious but some nice facts I took note of.
Familiarity assumes rapport. It provides a sense of comfort. Think about your relationship with your best friend. I bet you don't ask him many questions because you already KNOW all there is to know about him. Besides asking him "whats up" most of your conversation probably consists of "statements."

"You have got to watch X movie, it is SOOOO awesome."
"The patriots are going to OWN this year."
"Megan Fox is HAWT."

see? these are all statements that ASSUME rapport. And in making that assumption, they reinforce the rapport.

When you interact with your bestfriend, even your questions are phrased as statments:
"Lets get some pizza, I'm starving"

this is a statement-question. You're basically asking if your friend wants to grab a slice, but you're implying that you're going to get one regardless. this is pure GOLD. This is how you should phrase your questions when addressing women. Women want a man who can take charge (NOTE: I don't mean they want to be controlled). But they do want a guy who can act the part. So instead of asking her "where do you want to sit?" you should say: "Lets sit over there." Be assertive. I guarantee you that if she has a strong opinion about something, she WILL let you know. And unless she does, be ASSERTIVE and take charge.

Now I know what you're thinking... how is something as simple as speaking in statements instead of questions going to help my "game?" And I agree it won't make a drastic difference, but it is the cornerstone of guy/girl interactions. The reason is because it emulates a natural rhythm. If you've ever heard someone who is naturally good with women flirt/talk you'll notice that they DON'T pester girls with continued questions. They use statements because statements have an undertone that implies confidence. But confidence is NOT the key. Confidence is only the beginning.

NOTE: This tactic of speaking in statements and not asking her questions should be thrown out the window once you cross the line from attraction to an actual full-blown relationship. Most guys have it all backwards. They think they should instantly try to build rapport when they meet the girl. What they neglect to account for is the fact that before they've built attraction the girl doesn't WANT to share her personal information. She doesn't want to tell you her favorite color or where she lives. She DOESN'T want to talk with you about the bands she likes and the music she listens to. This doesn't mean she won't talk with you though. She will, out of politeness or sociability. But subconsciously, when you approach a girl, she will be wondering one thing: When is this guy going to leave?
That is unless you do one of two things:
1. Build Initial Attraction
2. Give her a reason for interacting and a timetable for the interaction

That is so true.
Y'all need to read around here.
Wall of text

We should sticky this though, and maybe we'd cut down on the NT, I have a girl problem posts we have every other day. Save some bandwidth
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