Green Glow Legit Check

Sep 15, 2013
These came from metal kicks. They look good to me but 2 things stick out. The inner tage shows production dates 1 month apart. I havent seen that before. Usually they are around 3 months apart.

Also that last photo with the boxes.  The smaller one on top is from my Authentic AJ4's Fear. Both are Size 9s so how come the green glow's box is significantly bigger?

Just need a confirmation if they are truly replicas as they have agreed to refund me (I will lose the shipping costs though) 

Thanks in advance.
One more thing. They didnt come with those little cardboard sticks inside. Just some cardboard shoe trees that have the same shape as the ones that come with the AJ11s.
GM pairs for sure, next time don't buy from them all their items are GM :smh:
Hi winzz

Thanks for the feedbacl but whats is GM? :smile:

If that means they arent authentic, what gave them away in your eyes? The box?
Hi winzz

Thanks for the feedbacl but whats is GM? :smile:

If that means they arent authentic, what gave them away in your eyes? The box?
grey market pair aka non authorized pair usually pop up months before actual retail release that's why some people called it early release and mental kicks already well known sold early release J's in the past.

legit or not it depends on your knowledge about GM pairs, there is one thread discuss about it (already closed but u can search it in jordan brand section)

take alook at this video comparison , this guy has the legit one to compare
shape, cuts, box, colors, tongues.
what are you talking about?

Shape and colour are exactly like the originals Ive put them side by side with my friends authentics that were bought from Nike store. The only obvious thing is the box. Ive already shipped them back anyways. But please leave the comments to people who want to share some proper knowledge. 

Thanks anyways
what are you talking about?

Shape and colour are exactly like the originals Ive put them side by side with my friends authentics that were bought from Nike store. The only obvious thing is the box. Ive already shipped them back anyways. But please leave the comments to people who want to share some proper knowledge. 

Thanks anyways
that may be the only obvious thing to you man.. Im not gonna explain this every time to every guy just trust me.. the cuts of the fabric and stuff are different in places. Notice the lil spot above where your pinky toe goes.. this space is too wide.. Stitchs should be closer etc. You got 10 posts grasshoppa LISTEN to people who know more than you.. ask questions if you need more info but dont come at me on some BS cause i was helping you out kiddo.. I didnt come to you for help. Theres some KNX.
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