Grape Soda...Why is it stereotyped as a "Black" drink???

I LOVE grape soda! Put a little bit of lime juice in it and it's GAME OVER!!! I will take grape soda over any other flavored soda.

I'm Asian if it matters.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

As if people of other races don't drink soda's. Grape is easily my least favorite flavor of anything. but i like real grapes.

But to actually answer your question, it's probably due to the stereotype/ assumption that most blacks are middle/ low class and choose the generic sodas/ add-water drinks in oppose to the name brand beverages eg coke, pepsi as a method of budgeting.
because grape soda are usually the cheapest drink at the grocery store and you know the whole thing people assume with black people and food stamps andwhatnot
Black People have for years endorsed the Purple way of life, Soda, Juice, Kool-Aid, Pop-Cicles, Crown Royale, Jordans, etc.

Don't let white people take that away from you like with White Grape Juice...
how is that assumption racially motivated, am I missing the punch line or something?

grape soda is damn soda, I don't even know how it is associated to black people.
grape drink is terrible, tastes like cough medicine. what about blacks smoking menthols because it was seen as 'relief' in the form of a coolingsensation similar to cough drops back in the day?
It's a stereotype because someone saw a few black people drinking it and came up with the notion that all black people like grapesoda.........................I do drink it and it hits the spot
(P.S) I'm black
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