Good thread...YO to all the NUPES in here #Achieving MP-Fa12-7Klub , but lets get to business
I just moved to College Park, MD on Monday and am about to begin my final internship as a grant-writing and sponsorship intern for a Gov't agency out here.
I go to school at the U of TN-Knoxville and I graduate in the fall with a 3.25 maybe a 3.3 when its all said and done. I am planning to take the GRE in August so I have begun studying now, as I want to pursue my MPA/MPP along with and MUP (only certain schools have the dual degree). I have gotten around to two schools so far in this free week I have and I learned about a public policy graduate program fair here in DC in mid-july. Up to this point I am gonna apply to six schools and so far the lineup by preference goes:
1.The University of Michigan dual MPP/MUP- Great school, great alumni network, in-state tuition, great athletics so I can stay sane, one professor who I REALLY want to do policy research within a sports scope with,etc.
2. The University of Washington-Seattle dual MPA/MUP- Great school, great alum network out west, Seattle is dope, athletics for my free time, VERY nice faculty,etc
3. The University of Maryland-College Park- MPP- Great school, camps location, up and coming program with GREAT DMV connections
4.The University of Wisconsin-Madison-MPA/MUP- Same reasons as #2, except Madison is dope and Wisc has a great chicago connection
5. University of Southern Cal- MPP/MUP Great School, Great Cali network, LA lifestyle for free time
6.4-way tie between Texas A&M, Duke, Rutgers, U of MN- I'll let the Grad fair decide my sixth spot (REALLY hoping for one of my top-5)
I am a MI native and while my undergrad experience was great, I just do not think the south is a place for me. Not that I cant live there, but I just feel my quality of life is better up north/out west. I am also African-American male so I am oping that can play a key role in my recruitment as my demographic is very underrepresented in graduate school period, let alone these policy programs. I believe that if I can do well (75 percentile or higher) on GRE and have a great final semester (basically ALL policy classes) that I can get in almost anywhere. As far as funding goes, we shall see, but Michigan is a better school than most and having in-state tuition would make it a no-brainer if I got in.
Pray for me guys as this next six months will determine a lot for the direction of my life the next 2-3 years!!