got my GED lets talk college.

Originally Posted by na penny 89

i finally got over the hump.i want to go to college i either want to be a cop or fire fighter in NYC or the dallas area. but i want the finer things in life like new cars ESP a bmw or stuff of that nature. does any one know how much police and fire men make in NYC ? i want to try to get up to 100k and up a year.

Why ya'll baggin' on dude---he tryna do right and all ya'll could find is to bring him down? That's a dam shame, real talk

Anyways, to the OP you should start off coing to a community college....or maybe even going to a couple stations and asking around if they have opportunitieswhere you go become a cop/firefighter and they pay your food. Shoot man, I don't know
Anyways, like people said, the cost of living in NYC is entirelyTOOOOO high. You said something about Dallas? Go for it---I was lookin' at properties the other day and saw a nice sized house wit' a pool, nice backyard, two stories and it was like 90k.
Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

if you want to make that kidn of have to move out to the burbs.

North NJ firefighters and Cops make a good salary

word? ill take your word for it...

in nyc cops start off at 25 thou, however it might be raised soon

Yeah they raised it to 35 thou now. They're going to raise it even higher again soon.
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