got my GED lets talk college.

Feb 25, 2007
i finally got over the hump.i want to go to college i either want to be a cop or fire fighter in NYC or the dallas area. but i want the finer things in lifelike new cars ESP a bmw or stuff of that nature. does any one know how much police and fire men make in NYC ? i want to try to get up to 100k and up a year.
Lemme tell you right won't make that kind of money with either profession.

If you have to be one or the a fire fighter. They did a poll recently that charted happiness vs. profession. Firefighters were THE most happy,satisfied people, more than lawyers, businessmen, even doctors. Policemen, however, were near the other end of the spectrum...very unhappy.

Probably because firefighters do work they can always feel good about. Almost no grey area- they save lives, many are heroes. Cops, on the otherhand...different story. And they definitely receive as much negative attention as good.
Become a a narco. Raid the evidence room. Deal on the streets. Lay low until you retire. Retire. Make it rain.
Police and firefighters don't make nearly that, dude. Not many people make enough to afford that. If you're gonna be a cop, unless it is in somecrackin' city expect 40K max when you start, maybe as little as 25K. You haven't even sniffed a day of college. You have way too long before you shouldbe thinking about new BMWs.
and I work in a school, it's not right but alot of colleges look down on GED's

have you ever thought of a technical school, something in the computer field like networking could get you there but you are so far off,1/1000000000000000000000000 of students come out and make that kinda $$$
yeah to be honest you are not going to make the kind of money as a cop or firefighter. also you dont need college for them (last i checked) and firefightershave a pretty detailed process and waiting line well at least in dc they do. firefighters prolly make more money, being in ny more money as well. (only becausecost of living is more expensive) if you want to be a firefighter i suggest you get in shape (if youre not already) and if you are looking for that kind ofmoney...find another profession babe.

hope that helped.

if it didnt....eeeeh well
In Beverly Hills cops regularly make ~75K. And it's not really a tough job
if you want to make that kidn of have to move out to the burbs.

North NJ firefighters and Cops make a good salary
if you want to become a cop NYC is the last place to do that.

you can however go to the police academy and become a state trooper which they make 3x more than an nyc cop.
Whoa, slow down. You just got your Good Enough Degree cuz that's what it stands for...Now you say let's talk college? How bout Community College. Thenyou wanna be either a fire fighter or cop? 100k?? You tryna be the police and fire chief right out the gate?
The salary for police here in Seattle, Wa has increased. Officers with 10-12+ exp expect to make 90-100K+.. everyone else avg around 60-70 for sheriff's.
Don't you need a degree to be a State trooper? I believe that is the case in the state of Pennsylvania.

I would also go with firefighter. To me it seems like if you're not a trooper or some CSI type deal, it's just not worth it.

I would love to be a trooper though. Just imagine clocking someone doing 90mph and then waiting 30-60 seconds and chasing him down doing 100+ on the highwaywhile everyone clears out for you... ballin'
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

if you want to make that kidn of have to move out to the burbs.

North NJ firefighters and Cops make a good salary

word? ill take your word for it...

in nyc cops start off at 25 thou, however it might be raised soon
Most of the people that have responded are speaking the truth.

You'll see what you are made of after high school.

When you don't have mandatory schooling and parents baring down on you, now you have to figure out (FAST) what you are going to do in life.

Everything is on your shoulders. In 10 years you'll see who had the guts and who didn't out of the people that surrounded you in schooling.

I agree it's not that easy. Be prepared for the hard constant grind that every successful deserving person went through to get 100K.

It took me 8 hard F'n years to get to the position I am today. I am happy, and thank God it worked out for me but I was focused. For some it may

be easier but just be prepared buddy, a lot of ups and downs.
you want a new BMW?....

dude dont pay for food anymore....get some foodstamps...

i heard homie is bout to get a R6 and a plasma cuz he dont pay for that real bread with bread knowahtimsayin
i suggest you consider trying to become a NY nassau / suffolk county cop, they are the best paid cops in NY.
im just trying to see my options for the future where i can do the right thin in the community and help people.
it takes time..i'd start off @ a community college then work from there. either way you'll have to start from the bottom and work your way up to thatsalary. 100k in NYC is much, much different that 100k in Dallas. In NY 100k may mean you're middle class or upper middle class. In TX where the cost ofliving is cheap, a 100k job will get you a nice 4,000 sq ft crib and a new BMW.

My girl has a degree in mathmatics and a masters in statistics and doesnt make 100k.
i got a degree in poverty and a masters in broke-ology, and im not seeing 6 figs.

high class scum bag, your girl needs to go to pimco funds in cali
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