Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?
People genuinely realizing religion for what it is and actually using their minds to work together without trying to separate and make divisions would literally change the world. If that happens because of what some atheists do it isn't an issue of pride where we can say we were right and you were wrong it'd change everything about how we live as a society.
"Change the world" You can't be serious, human greed would still be around even if religion didn't exist............That's the reason? you want a "better world" and you think without religion that would be a reality? please tell me you're in Highschool and haven't experienced life yet 

They believe religion is the root of all evil, if its up to them anyone who is theist would be tortured until they realized God is not real.
I guess its because all atheist people are so nice and never do anything wrong.
how come when silly putty was optimus prime he wasn't this intellectual? that hard on he has for drake in music forum =
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

People genuinely realizing religion for what it is and actually using their minds to work together without trying to separate and make divisions would literally change the world. If that happens because of what some atheists do it isn't an issue of pride where we can say we were right and you were wrong it'd change everything about how we live as a society.
"Change the world" You can't be serious, human greed would still be around even if religion didn't exist............That's the reason? you want a "better world" and you think without religion that would be a reality? please tell me you're in Highschool and haven't experienced life yet
They believe religion is the root of all evil, if its up to them anyone who is theist would be tortured until they realized God is not real.
I guess its because all atheist people are so nice and never do anything wrong.
This is that ad hominem nonsense silly mentioned. It's thought processes like this filled with such ignorance that doesn't warrant any serious replies. Why are you assuming all of this nonsense?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

how come when silly putty was optimus prime he wasn't this intellectual? that hard on he has for drake in music forum =
I was perplexed too when I found out
Years back I don't even remember him posting in General like that let alone the religious threads but son has been a great help of spreading the opposing argument. Advocating logic and reason 100%
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What happens in Avatar. I have never seen the movie.

Zoe Saldana smashes a white boy who is blue, because she is Dominican and has a thing against black men. But I meant see Mutley snickering underneath my username, as that was my exact response to that quote. Somewhere in Ohio right now RKO is googling furiously for something to come back with, calling all the religious elders he knows, but just keeps getting the same response, "tell them God is above our understanding, and that they are all going to hell."
Originally Posted by ninjahood

how come when silly putty was optimus prime he wasn't this intellectual? that hard on he has for drake in music forum =
He's the same Emory dude 
He's just more smug/brash this time around  
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by ninjahood

how come when silly putty was optimus prime he wasn't this intellectual? that hard on he has for drake in music forum =
He's the same Emory dude 
He's just more smug/brash this time around  
Peace Satan now the shizz is explained I'm taking ninjas on a trip straight through memory lane... it's like that ya'll
Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

I don't think it's about changing ones mind about Christianity. It's more of hoping to see one actually think for themselves.
There is no right or wrong because in the end, not one of us has the answer.

I'm agnostic if that makes any difference.
wow, because being Christian means you dont think for yourself. . . . . . 
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

I don't think it's about changing ones mind about Christianity. It's more of hoping to see one actually think for themselves.
There is no right or wrong because in the end, not one of us has the answer.

I'm agnostic if that makes any difference.
wow, because being Christian means you dont think for yourself. . . . . . 

I mean, are you christian because you thought about it or are you Christian because you grew up in a household, country, etc that basically raised you to be Christian? I'll wait
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

I don't think it's about changing ones mind about Christianity. It's more of hoping to see one actually think for themselves.
There is no right or wrong because in the end, not one of us has the answer.

I'm agnostic if that makes any difference.
wow, because being Christian means you dont think for yourself. . . . . . 
A lot of "Christians" don't even know about their man-god "jesus", the cross etc etc.. The bible =/= Christianity.. Only the "new" testament does. With that being said, most christians in fact don't think for themselves. Just go to church on sunday and listen to someone kick game to them so they can keep coming back. 
LMAO at silly putty hurting all these peoples feelings, then they have to resort to flaming him and anyone who supports him
damn children
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

I don't think it's about changing ones mind about Christianity. It's more of hoping to see one actually think for themselves.
There is no right or wrong because in the end, not one of us has the answer.

I'm agnostic if that makes any difference.
wow, because being Christian means you dont think for yourself. . . . . . 

I mean, are you christian because you thought about it or are you Christian because you grew up in a household, country, etc that basically raised you to be Christian? I'll wait
i started as a Christian because of my family, i spent time in hs studying it, i actually was an Atheist and argued my point to my school which didnt go to well (all boys catholic hs) realized last year i want to call myself a Christian for reasons that are irrelevant to anyone but me
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

"Change the world" You can't be serious, human greed would still be around even if religion didn't exist............That's the reason? you want a "better world" and you think without religion that would be a reality? please tell me you're in Highschool and haven't experienced life yet
They believe religion is the root of all evil, if its up to them anyone who is theist would be tortured until they realized God is not real.
I guess its because all atheist people are so nice and never do anything wrong.
This is that ad hominem nonsense silly mentioned. It's thought processes like this filled with such ignorance that doesn't warrant any serious replies. Why are you assuming all of this nonsense?

What part of my sentence made you think I wanted a serious reply
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

I don't think it's about changing ones mind about Christianity. It's more of hoping to see one actually think for themselves.
There is no right or wrong because in the end, not one of us has the answer.

I'm agnostic if that makes any difference.
wow, because being Christian means you dont think for yourself. . . . . . 
A lot of "Christians" don't even know about their man-god "jesus", the cross etc etc.. The bible =/= Christianity.. Only the "new" testament does. With that being said, most christians in fact don't think for themselves. Just go to church on sunday and listen to someone kick game to them so they can keep coming back. 
oh so you mean they leave it to someone else to interpret the Bible for them and provide a huge hour long explanation of some passage? thats understandable
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

wow, because being Christian means you dont think for yourself. . . . . . 

I mean, are you christian because you thought about it or are you Christian because you grew up in a household, country, etc that basically raised you to be Christian? I'll wait
i started as a Christian because of my family, i spent time in hs studying it, i actually was an Atheist and argued my point to my school which didnt go to well (all boys catholic hs) realized last year i want to call myself a Christian for reasons that are irrelevant to anyone but me

So because of your family you already had that propensity, no matter how much you try to break away everything that has been put in your head will keep bringing you back to Christianity-What if you lived in Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't you most likely become a Muslim? Doesn't sound like much of a choice to me
one part of religion that you always gotta be weary of is da detest that they have for other rival religions....i bet you'll NEVER hear something thats rooted in logic

when it comes to explaining da existence of other religions....once you step back and compare all da scriptures of all da rival faiths, you'll draw similarities that

aren't just coincidental.

with that said, there's nothing wrong with taking stories and applying em to your way of living as a means to motivate you...humans do that with everything though,

sports, movies, tv, comics. etc.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I mean, are you christian because you thought about it or are you Christian because you grew up in a household, country, etc that basically raised you to be Christian? I'll wait
i started as a Christian because of my family, i spent time in hs studying it, i actually was an Atheist and argued my point to my school which didnt go to well (all boys catholic hs) realized last year i want to call myself a Christian for reasons that are irrelevant to anyone but me

So because of your family you already had that propensity, no matter how much you try to break away everything that has been put in your head will keep bringing you back to Christianity-What if you lived in Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't you most likely become a Muslim? Doesn't sound like much of a choice to me
Ive tried Islam, i dont pray, thats a totally sound deduction though but it doesnt really prove i dont think for myself, it would be a stronger argument that i have an affinity for the Nation of Islam, im a black male who is tired of being looked down on by most whites/asians/even other blacks, Christianity fits my lifestyle not to mention ive had a personal experience which i let dictate my allegiance to it. . . . . . if you want though you can say i dont think for myself
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Yes, that's what it is. Except in the black church, sermons commonly exceed an hour in length.
Black church is the worst imo. The black church was never setup to be an instrument of liberation for our people. It was setup by our former colonial slave masters to make us suffer peacefully while we were building the world for them. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by ninjahood

how come when silly putty was optimus prime he wasn't this intellectual? that hard on he has for drake in music forum =
He's the same Emory dude 
He's just more smug/brash this time around  
Yup. The lame dude.
Being Stumped 101. Class is in session. 

"Since humanity was created" 4.6+ billion years, or 10,000? 

Lucifer wanted to be god?

Thats funny. 

God created something and couldn't even control it.

So much for being "god" can't even fend off posers. How Omnipotent

I love how you say this all with such conviction. As if you KNOW this is the case. But of course you do. Its in the bible!


God created him with the intent of him choosing his path. I don't think its in God's intention to create robots.

I don't absolutely know for sure. I have faith in what I believe to be Gods word.

Round and round we go!

Lucifer actually allowed humans to gain knowledge by eating the fruit (if you believe the "snake" was the devil/lucifer/demon whatever)

God killed more people than Satan.

The people satan killed in the bible was actually under the advice/permission of God anyways. 

Humans gained the knowledge of Good&Evil. By doing so we strayed away from God's word. I would have to say that God knew we would come down this path if we didn't listen about the tree's fruit but he gave us a choice. The choice that we all have now. Follow or not.

God creates lucifer...knowing everything about it, knows what its thinking and what it will do, and knowing it has more power than it...and can't control it?
God seems impotent (not enough for Mary though...Hi-Oh!), to say the least. 

Wait what. When did Satan gain more power than God?

How would Satan have more power if he was sent from God's presence?

Also eventually leading to being sent to the lake of fire. I think the battle has already been won.

How do you know that "god" is "god" and lucifer is "lucifer" ? 
If you claim the devil is good at deception, how would you REALLY know? 

And do you claim to be able to tell the difference?
What do you use to draw that difference?

Well I believe in the Bible.

If your parents tell you not to do something that will harm you (stealing) but your friend tries to get you to take what you "need", who are you going to side with?

Or why God keeps messing up the very thing it creates 
...instead of fixing what it created, it just floods them out? How "effective" 
It can't even get the story right...first jews, then christians, then muslims. 

Dude created the first humans knowing they would do what he knew they would do and still punished them.

God is an MASSIVE punk.

Like I said to you before. Life is a massive map leading to destinations. We have multiple roads we can travel.

I don't have the time nor patience to educate you privately on biology 101 and critical thinking. 

Go take classes at a community college or Khan academy. 

There are private tutors on craigslist.

I stopped replying because your answer was "well where did awl dis stuff come from then?" 

Bruh. I'm not wasting my time on educating you on stuff a 10th grader who paid attention can answer. 

THe funny part is that you were clearly asking all those questions about the origins and biology because you have doubts deep down and you want me to push you over the edge. There is no way you could be that inquisitive and still be honestly religious.

Just be honest. You're probably more scared of hell or being punished for thought crime than you are because you're pious. 

Me having doubts and wanting YOUR help? Putty Please!

I paid attention in class and from what I learned there and what you retold me. It doesn't explain life for me. 

Seriously. Everything we use and see had a creator but we're because of  accident? We're too damn complex for that.c

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by slickp42189

i started as a Christian because of my family, i spent time in hs studying it, i actually was an Atheist and argued my point to my school which didnt go to well (all boys catholic hs) realized last year i want to call myself a Christian for reasons that are irrelevant to anyone but me

So because of your family you already had that propensity, no matter how much you try to break away everything that has been put in your head will keep bringing you back to Christianity-What if you lived in Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't you most likely become a Muslim? Doesn't sound like much of a choice to me
Ive tried Islam, i dont pray, thats a totally sound deduction though but it doesnt really prove i dont think for myself, it would be a stronger argument that i have an affinity for the Nation of Islam, im a black male who is tired of being looked down on by most whites/asians/even other blacks, Christianity fits my lifestyle not to mention ive had a personal experience which i let dictate my allegiance to it. . . . . . if you want though you can say i dont think for myself

It kinda does prove that you don't think for yourself, because you know damn well you would most likely not be a Christian if you for instance grew up in Pre-colonial Africa
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