Going to the Dentist Unappreciation Post

Apr 20, 2005
Just came from my semi-annual visit, and as always, it sucks. I hate going, but it's one of those things in life you just have to do. It just suckssitting down and having someone scrape the bejesus out of your teeth and gums. No cavities or nothing, I just get buildup like a @#$% so it always sucksgetting my teeth cleaned. I know for some people it's not so bad just cause of their genetics, but I hate it. I brush and floss twice daily and do allthat rinsing and all that good stuff, and everytime I get cleaned, she digs that thing so deep it feels like she's trying to give me a pedicure through mymouth.
worst feeling in the world is going to the dentist
best feeling in the world (besides the obvious) is leaving the dentist
If it hurts she's doing it wrong or you're not doing as good flossing as you think you are. Are you getting a regular cleaning or an RDH?
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame


I haven't gone since I got my braces off back in HS. I should probably swing by sometime.

It's gonna hurt like a B when you go back, trust me.

I don't mind going to the dentist anymore. There was a period of time around 3 years ago when I had to go back to the dentist 3x in a span of a month (hadan extraction, cleaning and root canal). My oral hygiene has been top notch since then
reading OP's post made me cringe...hate going to the dentist. after my last visit ive been real good about flossing and using listerine twice a day, inaddition to brushing twice. so far from what i can see, no real buildup. so i just gotta stick with this routine i guess.
I absolutely HATE having dentistry work done.

I got kicked out of one in 5th grade for kicking the dentist in the balls. Dude should have never refused to give me anesthesia.

I was suppose to get braces. I never went, though. And I only brush my teeth once, maybe twice, a day.

the lights are too bright for, thats the only thing I cant stand. My eyes get extremely watery
My mom wants me to go and I told her to fall back, the last time I went I got some fillings and it was one of the absolute worst experiences ever.
She kept hitting a nerve
Still gotta go B ^^^^ I know it sucks, but I skipped it for a couple of years, and that's probably part of the reason it's so tough now. First time Iwent back after that time, I was like "Oh yeah, now I remember why I didn't go the past 2 years... This feels horrible!" But yeah, I'mfortunate I'm not prone to cavities, etc... I know people that skipped it for a while and had to get fillings, teeth pulled, bridges put in, etc... I justknow it's something I have to deal with every 6 months.
I haven't been to a dentist in about a decade. I don't plan on going anytime soon either. My teeth are fine.
gawd i hate going to the dentist too. i don't mind him picking/grinding between my teeth too much since i don't have too much build up... as long ashe's careful to not scratch my gums. its just the polishing drill i uffin hate and having to swish that fluoride crap
the only thing i hate is when they have to numb your mouth and they jab that long needle in.

omggg its such a nasty feelign sticking that thing in and out in and out.... pause.
i go every 6 months for a checkup and cleaning. i swear they dig in with the scrapers on purpose.
Avoiding the dentist is the reason why I'm obsessed with oral hygiene. I floss vigorously, till my gums are sore
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