Going to college in the upcoming fall. VOL. Dorm Life? (update pg. 5)

A lot of good info in this thread. I'm finally going to be dorming after wanting to for 2 years. Gonna be at buffalo at the end of the month. I'm looking to get some stuff for my room because I'm going to be in an off campus apartment (lame, but on campus filled up quick). It's completely furnished though and comes with a desk but there are no drawers or anything underneath.

Can anyone suggest some to me? I swear I looked on walmart and target's website and found barely anything that I thought would be helpful. Just a couple of plastic ones that I'mn not sure would be good for books, supplies, papers, folders etc. Here is a pic of the desk.

Originally Posted by BrockBo

Great thread booking marking for 3 years
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Man i moved back home for the summer. I miss the place already

DO NOT get a gf who lives in the same dorm. She will be there all the time and will ruin your chances of any new P. trust me on that one
Co-sign. The moral of the story is getting "new p". My girl lived 2 floors up and always wanted to stop by in the morning, mid day, night, then she always wanted to sleep over. I could never get another girl into the room.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

August 20th, I will officially get to start using all of this new info :Hat

Co-sign. Honestly, all i care about are grades & getting p
Originally Posted by RoOk

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

August 20th, I will officially get to start using all of this new info :Hat

Co-sign. Honestly, all i care about are grades & getting p
WORD, Aug.14 for me though.  What schools y'all headed to?
Originally Posted by RoOk

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

August 20th, I will officially get to start using all of this new info :Hat

Co-sign. Honestly, all i care about are grades & getting p
thats what i said before i started freshman year... and now all i care about are my grades.

i'm sure people have told you this before, but i'm just gonna reinforceit..grades above everything guys. socially i had a blast freshman year, butthe only thing that stuck with me the following summer was my GPA andthe fact that i had to bring subpar grades to my parents. not all thegirls i messed with or parties i went to. once i became less social,but raised my grades, i was actually happier overall. and instead oftrying to creep on girls every weekend i had a steady gf, so life wasgood.

you can get all the girls you want, but that can never take away thefeeling of disappointment when you don't do well. so make sure you haveyour ishh together in the classroom! good luck
grades are cool and all but trust me, unless you're trying to get into a particular grad school or something, they won't mean anything in the future. How you present yourself matters more than your grades in an interview.

the memories you're gonna have from the social aspects of college last you a lifetime.

nothing wrong with having a steady gf either, but you got all the time in the world for that later...have as much fun as you want don't comprimise.

I'm not gonna lie my grades weren't top notch but i had too much fun and came out alright in the end

EDIT: lol didn't peep the gravedigger 
anybody else hate their room mate?

most of the normal kids already have groups of friends from high school and the ones who dont are all lames
- Go to class!!! I missed so much class yet I finished with 3.2 gpa my first year, could have been higher if I didn't miss so much though. No more morning classes for me and don't take em unless you can wake up at 7ish.
- I just finished up my 1st year at cal state long beach and entering my 2nd. Their are fine girls everywhere but don't get too distracted by em, you're bound to find a couple in your classes especially if their just GE's. Just make small talk with em or bring up something common (ie being a laker fan (it worked for me hah) or what high school you came from.) Almost everyone that goes to long beach came from a surrounding school within 15-20 minutes from there. That may not work for you guys though who go out of state for school.
- Go to gym. Thank god the rec center finally finished up this summer so I can use it, but I went to other gym we have just to play ball, you'll make a couple of homies there even if you just seem em during the week in the gym.
- Pay attention in class and schedule classes with only 1 or 2 people you may know, not you're closest homies cause then that results in you isolating yourself from meeting new people. I made that mistake my 1st semester and met no one new in my 200 person lecture hall

I can't think of anything else at the moment. I wish I dormed though somewhere, could have had a great experience, but I don't mind living at home. Free food everyday
Grave Digging this, but everyone who went off to college this year, how you liking it? How you doing so far? Insight on what to do and not to do?
Originally Posted by s0led

The single most important advice I can give you is GO TO CLASS. Don't waste your parents' tuition money or your time. If you are going to large university it's easy to get lost and lose focus on your main purpose for being there: to earn a degree. Always put your classes before partying because I've seen too many people party all four years of college and have nothing to show for it but an English degree, like my older brother. Moderation is the key. Also surround yourself with good people, people that you know will help you be successful and are a good influence because in the end you're just gonna be like the people surround yourself with. Freshman year you will meet more people than you ever will again in your life because nobody knows each other and everyone is looking to make new friends. Based on my experience, as the years went on, I really began filtering more and more friends out and ended up with three or four really close friends senior year and those were the only kids I hung out with really.
english aint easy bub
I'm going to tell you the same thing every college grad tells me. Have fun and enjoy these years while you can because you can never replace the experiences you have during your four years at college.
Originally Posted by Sneaky

Grave Digging this, but everyone who went off to college this year, how you liking it? How you doing so far? Insight on what to do and not to do?

Loving it
Get involved. This is a necessity especially if you live off campus.
damn good job gravedigging this i'm gonna be living in a dorm for the first time come january.. gonna be weird as hell.
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