going out with a girl

Dec 27, 2002
alright if ya'll want to be like that whatever
but if there's some decent people on nt
please give me some advice
nonsexual related
you need to buy her whatever she wants, and lay your jacket over a puddle so she won't get her shoes dirty.
1. Post pics.
2. Ask not what you should do with her, ask what she should do toyou.
Originally Posted by yao11ming4mvp

alright if ya'll want to be like that whatever
but if there's some decent people on nt
please give me some advice
nonsexual related

THIS IS NT! ARE YOU ******ED? haha whip it out
How old are you?

What do people in your area do for fun?

Are you sure she knows she's going out with you?

You give virtually no background and get frustrated, at least I don't have to ask NT what to do with my girl.

Is it sexual if she doesn't know the shocker is coming? I'd go with that.
I'm assuming you're a senior in high school because of your UCI post? Thatage and you're asking this question? Are you from Socal, and you're asking this question? Serious though, are you from Socal, I can help youout.
Take her to the Cheesecake Factory and then go back to your place to watch a Dane Cook dvd.
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