GLobal Sidekick outage today : (

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

..SO what is everybody getting out of this...? My girls has a sk...should I tell her to demand something ?
I'mma see if they can get me out of contract.
i would but i have that grand fathered rate plan, might have to do BB but the SK gets the job done
damn this is some #+%%, i had 550 contacts that i been dealing with for 5 yrs,
and to ppl saying save it straight to ur sim, u cant, it has to be done manually, one by one
and i liked the fact that sidekicks saved all ur info on the network because if you lost ur phone/sim u couldnt get those numbers back,
but if its on the network, get a new sim, load ur contacts and ur good. i relying on tmobile,
man and my actual phone had been messing up, not holding charge, cutting calls off etc, this happened the day the outage went out,
i was like nah ill just wait till everything comes back up and ill switch to a bb,
i had numbers of ppl i dont normally talk to, n arent on myspace/fb/twitter, notes and other stuff that money cant buy
getn something new this week
This is a damn shame...I'm so used to having 2 phones.

Still furious I lost all my infomation

I'm about ready to get rid of my LX '09.

Any good "Bat Phone" sugguestions?
Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

This is a damn shame...I'm so used to having 2 phones.

Still furious I lost all my infomation

I'm about ready to get rid of my LX '09.

Any good "Bat Phone" sugguestions?
same here now its a paper weight.
Originally Posted by air max 87

still have eveyrthing
*smacks your sk out of your hand*

but seriously email your notes to your gmail like I did

contacts are old as hell, dont need to take any with me
theres going to be a gang of sk on craigslist in the coming weeks

danger just cost tmo ALOT of customers

oh and i dont work for tmo. hell i wish i did, anybody got the hookup on a job in socal? i know everything tmo
Originally Posted by doosta45

theres going to be a gang of sk on craigslist in the coming weeks
gonna have to sell my SK to a mindless bird that doesn't realize what just happened.

but also all the SKs show sold out online... wonder if T-mobile will stop doing business with them

smh, Sidekicks used to be the most popular device in the world before iphones, blackberries and it could be a wrap for them.
Sorry guys for the miss-spelling of the word lost! I was at work and was typing hella fast but anyways i received a text from Tmobile stating that all infothat was LOST will certainly not be retrievable. Posted my sidekick on eBay today. I'll be getting my Iphone tomorrow i just feel sorry for those who havea contract with Terrible-MOBILE.
just got off the phone not to long ago with customer service,
i complained and complained, they saw ive had pretty much eveyr sidekick out, customer since 04 (was on voicestream on my dads line before that)
so i got a a blackberry 8520 for $120 (without renewing my contract) over nighted for free and a free month of the media plan for it,
they said my bill should go up like $10 since i use to have the grandfathered plan, to the reg one they got now,
i also got the payments split, first one $40 then like 3 $30 for the next 3 month,
we'll see whutp,
My SK is prepaid...

So could anyone explain Flex Pay for me? Thinking about getting another BlackBerry or Unlocked iPhone.
^Yea depending on what they say today I guess is when I decide if Ill stay with the kick. Ill probably be heading over to the BB family..this is still some bstho..
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

Originally Posted by enrique23

i havent lost anything
i guess my sk saves all my stuff straight to the sim
Same here
Even my notes are in tact...
you guys are lucky, you can save your contacts like this, I also saved my notes like this.

also, rumors are...
[h2]What Caused the Sidekick Fail?[/h2]
By now the word is out on the street. Microsoft/Danger has most likely lost everyone's personal info including contacts, notes, calendar entries, to-dos, etc. The question remains: How did this happen? Microsoft is a big software company, they're well versed in the enterprise world and should have systems in place that allow them to weather any sort of issue like this. Of course everyone (T-Mobile, Microsoft/Danger) hasn't come out with any details on the cause of the failure, but we've got some theories and rumors floating around.

Currently the rumor with the most weight is as follows:
Microsoft was upgrading their SAN (Storage Area Network aka the thing that stores all your data) and had hired Hitachi to come in and do it for them. Typically in an upgrade like this, you are expected to make backups of your SAN before the upgrade happens. Microsoft failed to make these backups for some reason. We're not sure if it was because of the amount of data that would be required, if they didn't have time to do it, or if they simply forgot. Regardless of why, Microsoft should know better. So Hitachi worked on upgrading the SAN and something went wrong, resulting in it's destruction. Currently the plan is to try to get the devices that still have personal data on them to sync back to the servers and at least keep the data that users have on their device saved.

We've heard this from what appears to be several sources and it seems to hold weight. Needless to say it all boils down to one thing: Microsoft did not have a working backup.

How this happens in today's day and age is beyond belief. Hundreds of thousands of customers that generate millions of dollars in revenue means you back their stuff up, in triplicate. You test these backups regularly, and you move a copy off site that doesn't get touched except in case of an emergency (i.e. right now). The head of the mobile division (and person in charge of what's left of Danger) is Roz Ho, who has been at Microsoft for 18 years. You would think she'd know something about how to run a business.

What does this mean for the future of the Sidekick? Unless Microsoft pulls a miracle out of thin air the Sidekick is dead. People are already jumping ship to other phones with this news, and the exposure of how inept Microsoft is when it comes to the mobile world is huge. If Microsoft can't continue to run Danger, a company that was ground-breaking and solidly built, how can we expect anything from the Windows Mobile department?
Man. its so ironic that me and ninjahood were discussing the implications of microsoft taking over danger only a few days before the outtage. ridiculous.I'm baout to hop on the ANdROID OS. most of the danger team went that way.

R.I.P to windows Mobile BTW. microsoft gonna take a L with danger.

anyone else think microsoft did this on purpose to get rid of the competition and hope that people switch to phones with WM7 ?
Originally Posted by MECKS

Man. its so ironic that me and ninjahood were discussing the implications of microsoft taking over danger only a few days before the outtage. ridiculous. I'm baout to hop on the ANdROID OS. most of the danger team went that way.

R.I.P to windows Mobile BTW. microsoft gonna take a L with danger.

anyone else think microsoft did this on purpose to get rid of the competition and hope that people switch to phones with WM7 ?
Ninjahood aka Ninstradomus


but yeah, da charm SK's have is that it does SO MUCH with SO LITTLE..and its numbling easy to use and get rockin wit...looks like microsoft unfortunatelyproved me right...

from da jump i was weary of why would they buy out a company that essentially runs on a open based format when they've always been proprietary to da pointof annoyance...
Originally Posted by MECKS

Man. its so ironic that me and ninjahood were discussing the implications of microsoft taking over danger only a few days before the outtage. ridiculous. I'm baout to hop on the ANdROID OS. most of the danger team went that way.

R.I.P to windows Mobile BTW. microsoft gonna take a L with danger.

anyone else think microsoft did this on purpose to get rid of the competition and hope that people switch to phones with WM7 ?
WM7 doesn't drop til next year right? I don't see why they would do it now. Most of the people who are going to switch are probably goingto make a decision sooner than 2010.

Also, If WM7 is the truth, people will switch anyways.

[h1]T-Mobile USA releases official statement on Sidekick outage, $100 gift card[/h1]
Posted by Boy Genius on Oct 12, 2009 8:58 pm 3 comments Filed in Danger, Handsets, News, T-Mobile


There's not too much to say so we'll let T-Mobile do the talking…

Dear valued T-Mobile Sidekick customers:

We are thankful for your continued patience as Microsoft/Danger continues to work on preserving platform stability and restoring all services for our Sidekick customers. We have made significant progress this past weekend, restoring services to virtually every customer. Microsoft/Danger has teams of experts in place who are working around-the-clock to ensure this stability is maintained.
Regarding those of you who have lost personal content, T-Mobile and Microsoft/Danger continue to do all we can to recover and return any lost information. Recent efforts indicate the prospects of recovering some lost content may now be possible. We will continue to keep you updated on this front; we know how important this is to you.

In the event certain customers have experienced a significant and permanent loss of personal content, T-Mobile will be sending these customers a $100 customer appreciation card. This will be in addition to the free month of data service that already went to Sidekick data customers. This card can be used towards T-Mobile products and services, or a customer's T-Mobile bill. For those who fall into this category, details will be sent out in the next 14 days - there is no action needed on the part of these customers. We however remain hopeful that for the majority of our customers, personal content can be recovered.

Sidekick customers can continue to visit T-Mobile Sidekick Forums ( on a regular basis to access the latest updates, as well as FAQs regarding this service disruption. The Forums also offers tips and suggestions for rebuilding content on your device.
I'm gonna give my lx to a little kid or something I would still have my iphone if my ex didn't break it stupid broad. So yea I'm hoppin that 9700bb is for verison if not ima cop a 32gb from at&t
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