Girls that play in pick-up games......

i play them tight well because i dont care and sometimes i hope to accidentally cop a feel
my sister used to play with me when we were younger. Dudes would try to play super defense cuz she could ball like crazy. they be yelling "don't leave her open, she can hit that with ease" lol
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Do any of y'all guard them?

For some reason, I guess guys at the gym feel like it's a disgrace and embarrassing to guard a female. *kanyeshrug*

I, myself love guarding them though, just to mess with them and piss them off. I always give them space and pretend that i'm letting them shoot... then BAM, swat their !*!+!

Some girls get mad, and some girls actually like it that I don't treat them any different. Matter of fact, I remember a couple months ago, there was this girl that kept going to the gym, and I actually roughen her up on the court. Come to find out, she finally made the basketball team after getting cut 3 years straight.
She thanked me a few weeks ago, when she came back in.

Who else is with me? Or am I solo on this one?

I do the same thing
I have no problem guarding them
I was playing with a female that plays collegiate ball and she was torching my %%$ from the 3pt line

....In my defense, I was torching her even worse and we won...
i try to avoid it if possible. but there was once a dodgeball tournament me and my boys entered and we faced a team of all girls and we didnt show any mercy, gunned the balls at em
Try to avoid it cause its a lose/lose situation like somebody else said. If the girl can ball though, I'll play tough defense cause I can't be getting embarrassed.
If she's cute, like one who occasionally shows up when I'm playing, I'll call to D her so I can flirt. I'll swat her shots, rough her up, but at times let her go by and say "good move" to gas it up when she just traveled & barreled through my knee. I don't like playing most girls though cuz they always overcompensate.
I guard them cause I get annoyed if they aren't guarded and their easy points lead to a win. If they make it when guarded so be it but if guys just let them go to the rim I'm sorry but #$%@ that
I want to win.
Funny this thread came up. Last week I played against a girl who played college ball and I guarded her every time we played. She had a nice J, and had 8 points the first game because people wouldn't switch on screens. The next few games, I locked her down and torched her on the offensive end. I have NO problem guarding a girl, especially if she knows how to play,a big reason being that I hate to lose and know that most people would take it easy.
Me and my boys used to scrimmage with the girls team my freshman year in college and I was ruthless with them. I'm a pg and I played my reegular game. During pickups however, There was this pretty cute chick named princess that used to run with the guys. B/c of size matchups I was assigned to her, wasn't too bad, id play my regular game, but I gave her a little breathing room on when I played D.
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

i try to avoid it if possible. but there was once a dodgeball tournament me and my boys entered and we faced a team of all girls and we didnt show any mercy, gunned the balls at em



If I see a female balling on the same court as me, I'm outta there.. I ain't wasting my time and energy.
you guys must not get bunz if you are getting a chub over a girl in a pick-up game...

or i am missing the sarcasm.
wow good post, i havent experienced this in a while, it's crasy when they are crazy nice with the skills and they hit shots when u putting that super D on 'em
Originally Posted by mcbeast

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't guard them because

A. Don't want to get hard in public
B. If you KILL them, you are "picking" on them
C. If you GET killed, then you get laughed out

So don't guard them, either way you lose.
exactly my thoughts lol
truth. Lose, lose.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't guard them because

A. Don't want to get hard in public
B. If you KILL them, you are "picking" on them
C. If you GET killed, then you get laughed out

So don't guard them, either way you lose.
So true, but if they have the "balls" to step on the court don't play down on them.  Everyone know's the WNBA is a joke so let them know 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't guard them because

A. Don't want to get hard in public
B. If you KILL them, you are "picking" on them
C. If you GET killed, then you get laughed out

So don't guard them, either way you lose.
so true
Eh some of you guys are just lames lol...if she is good enough to be out there and play I have no problem guarding them. It's usually a breather cuz guys actually have quick moves, with girls you just gotta make sure you stay close and they'll pass the ball. It is very rare a girl tries to iso on anyone and hit like a moving jumper or anything...but guys, even terrible ones, are trying all sorts of ridiculous stuff all the time.
for yall that dont guard us...your sleeping lol. 9 times out of 10 if shes not a bigger chick she shouldnt be playing unless she has a jumper. Because it is unnecessary for her to go in the hole. i myself have a great shot. so when dudes dont guard me, its lights out all day until they get the hint. but i usually only play pick up games with boys if im with my brothers.
Originally Posted by Sundizzle

Eh some of you guys are just lames lol...if she is good enough to be out there and play I have no problem guarding them. It's usually a breather cuz guys actually have quick moves, with girls you just gotta make sure you stay close and they'll pass the ball. It is very rare a girl tries to iso on anyone and hit like a moving jumper or anything...but guys, even terrible ones, are trying all sorts of ridiculous stuff all the time.
You say good enough to be out there as if there is some sort of try-out to step on the court
. Pam Grief could run if someone picks her.
usually, girls get *+@* on.

one day, this white, 30-%@#, blonde chick walks in

she picks me up

she goes on to play like pistol pete....

turns out

it was katie smith....


she's a dog.
 hate guarding women. I was guarding one during a pick-up game back in High School at lunch. I switched off onto another defender, then when I looked up she had a pick ready and I was heading straight into it.

Had to think quick: knock her down in front of the student body or just fall...

I fell
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