Girl problem...... updated w/ Pics pg2 another update pg 5

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Well it's not really a problem
But here's cliffs•been with her since junior in HS. We're both 20 now. •we've moved in together last year. •we both feel like we've made this choice too early and feels like we are ruining our "youth"•decided to take a break for about a month Has anyone went thru %$!% like this? What was the experience like? How did it end up? We've decided whenever this break ends, we're never gonna question each other what we did during that break.

My good friend did this his freshman year of college. Big mistake, they took a break and stayed broken up. He's my roommate now and smashes different girls regularly. Plus you know you're gonna question what she did during that break, don't kid yourself.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Yeah that sounds good and all but who is currently paying for the spot you two once shared??  Are you paying all the rent on your own or is she still paying her share even though she has moved out??
currently i pay 700 and she pays 400. she said shes gonna come over once a week or so since her job is right next to our apt and shes gonna keep paying her share. i mean its only like a month or so anyways.. 

Who's name is on the lease, both or just you??
actually i had to get it through my moms name. so yea its kinda under me
just know that she getting piped by bbc rite now... she's gonna be mad at you for smashin a chick too, even tho she was messin around too... Women are stupid with their logic

We need pics to guage if she is worth it tho
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Number of girl problem threads this year: 56

Number of pictures provided: 2

Number of advice followed given by NTers: 0

Number of failed relationships: 56
And its only March
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Sounds like she's playing you..

doesn't sound like it to me, she is playing you OP. dead her with the quickness and next time provide pics of said girls so us NT'ers can watch out for her..
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

currently i pay 700 and she pays 400. she said shes gonna come over once a week or so since her job is right next to our apt and shes gonna keep paying her share. i mean its only like a month or so anyways.. 

Who's name is on the lease, both or just you??
actually i had to get it through my moms name. so yea its kinda under me

That's exactly what I thought you would respond with.  As if this breakup wasn't enough stress on you now you have to worry about paying "her" share of the rent if she decides to act up and believe me she will act up and decide not to pay her portion of the rent. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Who's name is on the lease, both or just you??
actually i had to get it through my moms name. so yea its kinda under me

That's exactly what I thought you would respond with.  As if this breakup wasn't enough stress on you now you have to worry about paying "her" share of the rent if she decides to act up and believe me she will act up and decide not to pay her portion of the rent. 

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Then OP should beat her to the punch, start making moves to get his $##% together and move out before it's too late. Based off what's going on, things will most likely get worse. When  the day comes and she sees you packing your stuff with the U-haul truck outside, tell her you're leaving and you gave the keys to the landlord. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Let her and the dudes she's @#@!#$* figure out her living situation[/color]
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Who's name is on the lease, both or just you??
actually i had to get it through my moms name. so yea its kinda under me

That's exactly what I thought you would respond with.  As if this breakup wasn't enough stress on you now you have to worry about paying "her" share of the rent if she decides to act up and believe me she will act up and decide not to pay her portion of the rent. 
this is most definitely gonna happen, famb...
like... its a 101% chance that she just says fuh-gihduh bout it and leaves you with the rest of the rent.

i got a homegirl that moved in w/ a dude... broke up in three months, but neither could leave.

she so cut throat, she started bringing in dudes to the crib a week after they broke up... WHILE THE HOMEY WAS STILL LIVING THERE.

talkin about "it was a mutual decision"...

i felt bad for the guy...

Good job fambs... she's cute...

Butttttt... you gonna have to let that go... cuz she is most likely involved with others.
THis whole relationship advice thread thing should be banned, prohibited, and yet we cant quote pics on WDYWT Thread
I know im not the only one that went to page 2 before i went to the 1st page

I was cool with the break until I read that last line.....all I could do was Smh it's over fam no way in hell she not getting ran up in as you read this......and if not you should feel like she is.
but i mean its not like im not on break either... we are BOTH on break... which means we are BOTH free

confused as hell nt.. the hell should i do?
aint no dam breaks the hell stop being beta and dump her
she prob gettin D from another dude (srs)
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

but i mean its not like im not on break either... we are BOTH on break... which means we are BOTH free

confused as hell nt.. the hell should i do?

You should break that %%%%$ off b.

You're 20 you don't want to be with this chick the rest of your life. Plenty of more girls out there,I don't care how much you ''like'' her or whatever. You'll find another girl just as cute with the same personality as you later on in life. Get rid of her and smash other %@#!$!.
just tell her your real feeling bruh.

she looks good so i would say you put in some effort to make her happy....or someone else will
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

pics for beasts
Cute chick my dude. 
Heres the reality of it all, if you two decided to live together then thats your decision. Who gives 2 *#!$! about "ruining your youth" and whatnot. Everyone's lives are different. If you two wanted to live together then thats the decision ya'll made. If you two feel like you needed a  break, then thats cool too. Do what you need to do in your relationship. I am my own man and you are your own man. I would be crazy to sit here and tell you how to run your own relationship. 

But here are some things I would like to ask you. 

  1. Do you honestly 100% feel like a break was what you two needed? If the feelings weren't mutual completely then it could mess things up in the long run because everyone wasn't on the same page. Which leads me to question number 2
  2. Do you honestly feel like you have the will power to not question what she has done during the break? Would you care if some other dude was digging her out? Would she care if you were smashing dimes with the power of Zeus?
  3. If you two moved in together, how the hell are ya'll dealing with the financial obligations of your residence and living together while being split up? Are you current;y staying together? Is it awkward if you are? 
You have to be ready for paranoia my dude. Also be ready for her to be the same way. She might put on a front like she doesn't care, but deep down, that girl cares if you are smashing like crazy. Especially if you guys get back together and start living together again. We're talking about a 4 year relationship. Thats a lot of history not to care about what your girl/dude has been up to even a little bit. 

That !#%% sounds sweet at first, but You have 2 options to keep it 100 with you. Either get back together and keep all questions and feelings to yourself, or completely break it off. Cause the moment you hear her say "Yeah me and this dude hooked up", unless you are getting consistent bunz right now, you're going to be feeling like "damn, some $*#$# has been running all through my P... How the !#!@ she just gon' let some random dude smash my P like that? This +#%%# cray" 
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