Girl problem - How am I ever going to talk to her?

Jan 2, 2005
NT, I need your help. Theres this girl I have been talkin to since December, and we really hit it off. I kinda felt that she was interested so we talked forlike two weeks. Whenever she was alone, I walked up to her and started talking and making her laugh. Anyway, when January started i never once saw her alone.She was always with atleast one friend and this is continuing till now. I walk by her locker sometimes but shes never there. The only time i see her is inbetween classes (with her friend/s) and sometimes at lunch (also with her friends). Whenever we do see eachother, we smile but thats it. Basically i wanna knowhow i can isolate her or even start a convo infront of her friends. Valentines day is coming up and i wanna give her a rose, so i need to talk to her a littlebefore that happens. Thanks in advance.
haha if you that desperate to talk to her den when u see her with friends jus tell her to come here and talk with you...... a closed mouth never gets fed
you can always try getting her AIM or MSN or what ever if u really wanna talk to her when shes all by herself
^true you just gota walk up say something to the friend 1st so you dont seem rude and then ask the friend if you can barrow old girl for a min... Tell her whatthe deal is and it a done deal...
What they said. How hard is it to say, "Hey excuse me, can I borrow ___ for a minute?"


wait til after valentines...don't be THAT guy....

Just do as said above...ask for a moment w/ her...get the number/info & then start w/ the typical BS like dinner/movie and eventually you'll besmashin...that's all there is to it...
Just go talk to her. If you guys do end up "dating" her friends are gonna be there, A LOT.. Just go up to her and say "hey". Evern betterget her number and call her and then you can bypass all her friends.
I always thought about doing that. Asking her friends if i can talk to her for a minute, but then it crosses my mind, what am i gonna say? if i dont saysomething important enough or just start small talking about how her day was, wont it look awkward?
Originally Posted by Cekpethobce

you can always try getting her AIM or MSN or what ever if u really wanna talk to her when shes all by herself

if you just talk to her on AIM/MSN or something like that it will be mad akward when ya'll see each other in person so strike a convo up face toface.
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

I always thought about doing that. Asking her friends if i can talk to her for a minute, but then it crosses my mind, what am i gonna say? if i dont say something important enough or just start small talking about how her day was, wont it look awkward?

Here's what you do. Read the part of my post that says "GIRLS LIKE CONFIDENCE" ten times. Then, do this:

Ask her friend, "Hey, can I talk to ___ for a minute?"

Then tell her how you've been waiting to catch her by herself for a while, and tell her why (you like her). She's probably be intrigued by yourCONFIDENCE. After this, you got it in the bag. Ask her out after all the small talk about how you been feeling her for a while and all that. If all goes toplan, you'll be hittin that in matter of months (it could be weeks, but seeing as how you're asking NT for advice on something so simple, your game isobviously not up to par. No flame, read the sig.)

Who knows, she may cut you off and kiss you, then tell you she been feeling the same way. Or, she might
at yo %** then walk away.
Originally Posted by King Lincey

Originally Posted by MeloManFan

I always thought about doing that. Asking her friends if i can talk to her for a minute, but then it crosses my mind, what am i gonna say? if i dont say something important enough or just start small talking about how her day was, wont it look awkward?

Here's what you do. Read the part of my post that says "GIRLS LIKE CONFIDENCE" ten times. Then, do this:

Ask her friend, "Hey, can I talk to ___ for a minute?"

Then tell her how you've been waiting to catch her by herself for a while, and tell her why (you like her). She's probably be intrigued by your CONFIDENCE. After this, you got it in the bag. Ask her out after all the small talk about how you been feeling her for a while and all that. If all goes to plan, you'll be hittin that in matter of months (it could be weeks, but seeing as how you're asking NT for advice on something so simple, your game is obviously not up to par. No flame, read the sig.)

Who knows, she may cut you off and kiss you, then tell you she been feeling the same way. Or, she might
at yo %** then walk away.
smh @ you Lincey, trying to get this kid on some stalker status !@%% she is gonna right hook dude and dip, just approach on a friday ask her yo _____whats your plans for tonight wanna hang out?
Damn, PREMO092! You caught me.

Well OP, just disregard "catch her by herself" thing. Do everything else, though.
if you never run into her, why dont you just call her up? say something like "HEY i havent seen you in awhile, lets go kick it and catch up sometime"

or just man up and go up to her and her friends. if those girls are her closer friends, most of the time theres no way in hell you'll get with her unlessthey approve of you. if you want something, you gotta go out of you way to get it, and just being shy and reserved isn't going to work.
how old are you man? She's probably waiting for you to step up and say something. When you see her just smile and say whats up and go from there, ask whatshe's doing this weekend and work up a time for yall to get together.
if you wanna get her alone, you can give her that V-day rose and put a note on it asking her on a date. . .
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