Girl lied about being gang raped at Hofstra, The 5th man has been revealed, Taveras is an NTer

Yo SHUGES, you in hear preaching about dudes not going after females who blatantly slander them, but aren't you the dude in S&T that is always onKobe's nuts calling him a rapist and bastard? Every chance you get your on KB's nuts calling him a rapist, and if I ain't mistaken the Coloradoskeezer was also crying rape
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

Yo SHUGES, you in hear preaching about dudes not going after females who blatantly slander them, but aren't you the dude in S&T that is always on Kobe's nuts calling him a rapist and bastard? Every chance you get your on KB's nuts calling him a rapist, and if I ain't mistaken the Colorado skeezer was also crying rape
I don't think that's Shuges....he's pretty level-headed/objective when talking sports.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by SHUGES

I said her's is "already wrecked to a degree"

Never said anything about it equaling up to a quarter.

I'm not saying she deserves a pass either.

And I agree that there should be some sort of "penalty" for females who do things like this.

But for THEM to try and "get her back" or "ruin" her life..... what's the point?

To teach her a lesson?

Please, shorty is obviously in need of mental help/counseling.
honestly? self-satisfaction.

call me spiteful but if she did that to me, i would do everything in my power to destroy her forever, more than this may already have.

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

the biggest outrage is the prosecuter "deciding whether to press charges" against the skank.

lock the skank up and throw away the key.

post her address all over the place so she can get what she did thrown right back at her tenfold.

call me old fashioned but i believe in "an eye for an eye" and the boys getting released should not be the resolution to thecase. at the BARE MINIMUM, this [slew of expletives] girl should have charges brought on her and be put in jail. i cringe everytimei think what if this event wasn't taped and the girl could've just kept on lying...
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

Yo SHUGES, you in hear preaching about dudes not going after females who blatantly slander them, but aren't you the dude in S&T that is always on Kobe's nuts calling him a rapist and bastard? Every chance you get your on KB's nuts calling him a rapist, and if I ain't mistaken the Colorado skeezer was also crying rape

Nah, that was Zo who would come with the "Raper Guard #8" and all that.

I always get on Kobe. But most of my jabs are along the lines of "Dirty Snake", "Wack Mamba", "Hiss", etc.... Of course I'vementioned his rape case before. But I don't think I've ever called him a dirty rapist.

Either way, the Kobe case is a bit different from this one. Colorado girl & Kobe have both acknowledged somethinghappened. But since there is no 5th man to produce video evidence, none of us will EVER know what really happened. Unlike the Hofstra chick, I don't thinkCO girl ever recanted her statements. So I'm not sure what parallels you're trying to draw here.

It's a shame you would bring Kobe into this thread though. Almost like you're defending his honor or something...

And thanks DoubleJs

Just to clarify... This has nothing to do with it being a chick I'm trying to "save". If the situation were slightly different and it was oneguy accusing another guy of robbing him at gunpoint, but video evidencesurfaced proving guy A of lying, I'd say the same thing to guy B. You're free. Why waste time trying to get back at guy A? Go live your life and havefun instead of expending negative energy. Cuz that's when %%@$ comes back around to bite you in the @*%.

It would be counter-productive to get a free pass only to potentially throw it all away again. How backwards is that?

That's all I'm saying. Even when I suggested starting an organization, it was to benefit YOUNG MEN who got themselves in a bad spot.

But hey, we all have our own opinions and view-points. There's no law saying we all have to agree.
da fact that she's gon into hiding wit her family looks like she's already gettin a hefty backlash.
I went to Hofstra and graduated in may ... Its a damn shame she did that to them ... I lived in those towers too and if she was getting raped in a bathroom by5 dudes @ 3AM ... EVERYONE on that floor would have heard her ... *$@@!
Glad to hear they r free. Same thing happened to some dude on my campus but they didnt hav the 5th man to come thru and shut *##$ dwn
Finally caught up...

Dudes are from the Heights? I should have asked around when I was there last weekend...I'm real happy for them tho.

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

dudes threw on their church suits to be in the
def needs jial time.

can't risk any COUPLE that go out drinking in a college setting, and have the guy at risk for jail cause some girl wants to lie and cry rape without anyrepercussions
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23


Yo...I know Stalin and Arvin...they work in my gym @ Planet Fitness...

Arvin would help me with that 30 minute quick workout back when I first came...

Wow, when I go to the gym monday and my gym (FILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLED with chicks) Its gonna be MAD AKWARD when they come back.

I thought i was buggin when i saw Stalin face on tv, i thought it was some other dude, but when i saw them both on the front page paper, i was
...they smashed this horrid s m u t. smh, Thank God they got freed.
oh yeah, u go to da planet fitness next to that i think about it one of these dudes registered my membership

You talkin bout the one in Riverdale?
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