Girl advice, pics (hairy neck, shady)

Originally Posted by youngmoney

dont all asians look alike

Spoiler [+]
indifferent.gif they don't.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Aight NT, so I've been seeing this chick for a couple of weeks. She's kinda cute and all but theres 2 things that make me hesitate.

1. She is kinda hairy, like dark, you can see it on her arms and she has this semi mustache that you can see in the light. I didn't really mind all that but today I found out she has hair on the FRONT OF HER NECK
. Like its just a few strands and its around where her larynx is but they hella long and weird as %*+*. I asked her about it and was like "Yo you should shave that off" and she told me she doesn't cause it'll grow back darker and longer.
They are kinda fine though and I never noticed this until now. What can I say to convince her to get rid of her mini stache and neck hair? I CAN'T mess with that, the stache was tolerable but the neck hair is like

2. She is sorta shady, she keeps alotta secrets about her past. She has a tat on her back that she wont like me see and won't explain it. She said she used to deliver drugs for these Chinese cats cause they were like family to her but she went back to the Philipines for a year and came back and they don't know she's back. She said she's done with that. I'm a lil shook, I don't wanna get wrapped in all that.
Translation = She use to do drugs, and had nothing to do with running drugs for the Chinese. She was working in one of the underground brothels,or massage parlors for the Chinese, or she was being passed around for homies sexual gratification. Trust me, these innocent looking chicks are the ones, thatare scared to even make eye contact with me cause I know their past.

Edit: Don't mess with her.
pinays arent hairy though. they do have a lot of bakla people.. aka ******s.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Aight NT, so I've been seeing this chick for a couple of weeks. She's kinda cute and all but theres 2 things that make me hesitate.

1. She is kinda hairy, like dark, you can see it on her arms and she has this semi mustache that you can see in the light. I didn't really mind all that but today I found out she has hair on the FRONT OF HER NECK
. Like its just a few strands and its around where her larynx is but they hella long and weird as %*+*. I asked her about it and was like "Yo you should shave that off" and she told me she doesn't cause it'll grow back darker and longer.
They are kinda fine though and I never noticed this until now. What can I say to convince her to get rid of her mini stache and neck hair? I CAN'T mess with that, the stache was tolerable but the neck hair is like

yo OP maybe she's testing you or any other dude with the hair issue you have with her. This reminds me of this one episode from Married with the Children,where the son gets tested by this one girl who wears a fake hairy mole to see if the dude would like her still.
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