Getting pulled over 2 minutes from your house UNAPPRECIATION

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

2 blocks? that aint $#@* son....

try your DRIVEWAY

long story


i got pulled over for not signaling, but he let me off w/ a verbal warning.
Got pulled over less than 100 feet from my sister's house. I was making a right turn. Officer claimed I blew by the stop sign which is straight BS. I knowI stopped, for like 10 seconds, because I was looking at my Lakers tickets that I had just picked up. The first thing the cop said to me was, "I stoppedyou because you blew right through that stop sign. No pedestrians got hurt or anything so it's ok."
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I've never been that close to home while being pulled over, but I always thought it should be a law. If you are followed by the cops and less than 1 mile from your house, if you can make it to your front door without being shot in the back, they should let you go. Kind of like a "safe zone" when you're playing tag, except for grown-ups.
I got stopped 2 tenths of mile from my house for 32 in a 25 SMH even though the cop was a *expletive* he let me go cuz he knew my mom
word, I just got a ticket last friday for running a stop sign, I was just a few blocks away from my crib too. I knew I messed up tho, whenever the street isempty and I'm tha only car around, I just roll by tha stop sign, but this time when I ran tha sign, at tha last second I look to tha left and see a cop carjust campin out on tha side of tha street, I was just hoping that he did'nt see me, so I kept driving then I look in my rear view and see the cop flashingme. I was like $@%@! this was my second ticket within 2 months, I got a ticket for a couple equiptment violations in December
Damn i know how that feels, last month i was coming home from work and i got pulled over not to far from my crib. The cop pulled me over for speeding, he saidI was going 35 in 20 mph school zone
but the cop was cool and he let me slide but he gave me a ticket for an expired insurance..thats better thenpaying a 400 speeding ticket
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