Getting Over Girlfriends. Vol. it's over

Originally Posted by gberdin

nah she aint no skeezer. she does feel the same way. i love her to death and both still want to be together. we just bicker about the same things all the time. there are numerous trust issues(checking phone, calling my friends, gossiping about me) type stuff. she seriously gave me high blood pressure and anger issues. i just do the dumbest things when we get mad like punching stuff or saying stupid stuff. very immature still. i'm a grown as man and this relationship has been like high school lately

My advice would be to give it a couple days or weeks or so and see how you feel and how she feels. If you feel the same you should try to get her back. My girlis my best friend and one of my only friends, I feel lost without her. Only time will tell what should happen, if you can live without her and its better forthe both of you then so be it.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

go out and kick it with firends, play bball, go work out
This. I recently broke up with my gf of 3 1/2 years. What I do to get over her is think of why we broke up and think about something messed upshe's done to me before. I filled myself up with rage lol.
I remember you posting her pictures a few times. She was a cutie. Sorry to hear about you two.

Just try keep yourself occupied.
yeah this is probably the hardest break up i've ever had to deal with. back in the day when i broke up with a chick i had a girl waiting for me and i wasimmature and poke anything with legs. but this time i cant even talk to other girls. i mean i can but i cant pursue anything. i would love for it to be as easyas me doing what i did before but this obviously means a lot more.
Originally Posted by gberdin

didnt want to do this but.. only one i have left.�

But look on the bright side, at least you don't have to deal with her Grandmother again.

That's the best advice I can give.

Give it time.

Honestly, you don't really get over someone. You let time take it's course, then eventually, you'll find yourself thinking less of her. You'llthen learn to accept that life isn't really that bad after her.

Then you can move on.

Talk is cheap. Situations like this ain't never easy. But life ain't suppose to be easy.

Keep your head up.
Originally Posted by gberdin

nah she aint no skeezer. she does feel the same way. i love her to death and both still want to be together. we just bicker about the same things all the time. there are numerous trust issues(checking phone, calling my friends, gossiping about me) type stuff. she seriously gave me high blood pressure and anger issues. i just do the dumbest things when we get mad like punching stuff or saying stupid stuff. very immature still. i'm a grown as man and this relationship has been like high school lately

no trust = the end

keep it moving bro. is the high blood pressure and anger issues worth it? your heart broken and blinded by love so you'll prolly say yes but naa it'snot. i dunno how bad things got in the relationship but just ask yourself...will things really get better? i can guarantee you they won't. checking yourphone are signs that the trust is gone. gossiping about you shows she doesn't respect you.

like people already said...delete her from everything! myspace, facebook, phone number, aim etc. keep yourself busy. play ball, chill with your boys, take itout on the gym or anything to keep your mind on anything but her. when you start thinking about her and missing her just make a list of things about her thatmade you miserable/unhappy and whip it out every time you get those feelings. you can also watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall and laugh @ another mans heartacheand how he prevails! plus mila kunis is
in that movie.

shes a robocop dont want that.
yeah her grandma will love to hear we broke up. but it sucks because when my friends are gone like now or i dont have anything to do or i get lonely at nightor come home drunk and have no one there i want to call her so bad but i need to stop all that and be more independent. she was like a friend that took care ofme.
Originally Posted by stuntastic020

I been with my girl about 6 years now an we broke up foreal a couple times and I felt the same way.

The main thing you need to do is stay busy and around other people. If you don't plan on ever getting back with her than get rid of anything that reminds you of her. Find someone that will be there for you whenever you need to vent that will really listen.

It sounds like you aren't over it and still want to be with her. My suggestion would be to try as hard as you can to still make it work. Everyone fight and breaks up sometimes but if it doesn't feel right then its not. Try to tell her how you feel instead of asking NT for help. Chances are she probably has some of the same feelings. And all the guys saying she is gonna get smashed or something soon is just wrong. If you guys really cared about you and she aint no *$@ then she wont get with another guy anytime soon unless she already had someone on the side she was interested in.

Good Luck...probably one of the hardest thing to go through but what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger

SMH that's what happen to me we've been going out about 4-5 years, broke up couple weeks later, another man scooped her up. that me think, took memonths just to get to know her and she got with due in a couple weeks? smh .She was talking about "oh after you i want to date around (smash) not get intoanother serious relationship", i was like alright good to hear that...... i knew we were going to call it off , you just got to know that everythingdoesn't last forever . Even though you want it to, you got to try your best before you reach the last straw and thats when you know you gave it your all.
Yes, it is heart breaking, just want to jump off the bridge or sleep and wishing you never want to wake up. just hang out and spend as much time as you canwith family and close friends, they'll always be there for you no matter what . Pick up a new hobby , im starting to learn how to play the guitor andhitting the gym, just keep your mind active and try your best not to think of her.
1) do I wait and see if she messes up and trucks with other guys? with hope of getting back together?

2) go on a smashing spree? with little to no hope of getting back together?
Originally Posted by gberdin

1) do I wait and see if she messes up and trucks with other guys? with hope of getting back together?

2) go on a smashing spree? with little to no hope of getting back together?
You could be setting yourself up for serious heartache and failure if you opt for option 1. If you truly care about her it might be worth it foryou. But you will end up getting hurt even more.

Number 2 is the far more fun option. However you will be feeling guilty after you smash those girls, especially if you have strong feelings for your ex.

Whatever you do, do not act desperately around her. That will automatically turn her off and away from you. If it's meant to happen it will. But thatshouldn't deter you from being social with other females.

I wouldn't make any decisions in haste either, it unusually comes out poorly.

I'd say play it cool for now and "just do you!"
Heres what is really helping me the past 4 months:

1. Delete any kind of memory you have of her - photos, messages, emails, her phone number, block her on facebook, etc. The less chance you have of'running into her' ex. going through old photos, the less you will think of her.
2. Expanding on What Executive76 said, just keep meeting more and more people. keep going out. As much as possible absorb yourself in other things, try notto give yourself time to let your thoughts wander.
3. As KB8Sandiego said - time. Time heals all wounds. You will find someone else eventually.
What I use to do is think of all the bad things she does or the things mentally and physically that you didn't like about her.....Think about those thingsover and over again.

When it comes to a new dude in her life....think about that bad stuff that he now has to deal with.

I believe that no matter how much you are attracted, love, a girl....there is always going to be that time when you need to be alone.

My ex was very pretty and had an amazing body....but I couldn't get over a couple of things that really irritated me at the time of our relationship. Soafter a year I broke it off and it would kill me sometimes knowing that another dude was smashing and being the man in her life. But I would rotate thosethoughts of why I broke up and in little over a month I was ok.

i tried telling her that id wait for her and i was not gonna venture out to find a new chick. and boy was that a mistake. she replied with "dont get yourhopes up i need time for myself and to "rebuild" the past relationships with my friends, mom, family". basically she called it super over. imcrushed so hard. i'm not gonna front i've been crying for the past 5 days. NT i lost the person who cared about me and i cared for the most. i f'dup.
ok i just found out she's been talkin to a new man. case closed. this pathetic situation is going to stop now. out.
Originally Posted by gberdin


i tried telling her that id wait for her and i was not gonna venture out to find a new chick. and boy was that a mistake. she replied with "dont get your hopes up i need time for myself and to "rebuild" the past relationships with my friends, mom, family". basically she called it super over. im crushed so hard. i'm not gonna front i've been crying for the past 5 days. NT i lost the person who cared about me and i cared for the most. i f'd up.

You did what I said not to. But it's ok. I knew you were going to regardless because your feelings towards here were so strong.

The worst is over. You didn't 'F up'. She just interested like she used to be man! And it isn't the end of the world!

No matter what you do towards her, it is going to turn into an 'L' with hurt feelings.

You gotta not make her a priority, not contact her, not check her facebook/myspace/whatever, etc... And make an effort to move on!

I hope you've learned a lesson from all this. You gotta take something positive away from the situation.

And no more crying. SMH! It's just a breezy in your past now!
aight yo i JUST RECENTLY got over my x, best thing ever to doo is

1. get out of the house
2. chill wit ya friends keep busy [ that will keep your mind off her]
3. stay away from any places you might have been with her [ like your room
but in all seriousness yeah ]
4. stay over your friends house THAT helps me out ALOT, that will keep your mind off of her for a night and that makes a BIG diffrence
5. WHAT EVER YOU DO DONT CALL HER!!! i cant stress this enough it will kill you inside. if you have any questions feel free to pm me, ill help you out n/h
Originally Posted by gberdin

ok i just found out she's been talkin to a new man. case closed. this pathetic situation is going to stop now. out.
Way to man up bruh.
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