Getting in a fight with your girl over sex unnapreciation

May 14, 2002
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Got in a fight with the girl last night. Its funny how girls will be "too tired" or "I have a headache"

She got mad at me and basically told me all I care about is sex...

Afterwards I told her too, why are you getting mad at me for being attracted to you and being turned on by you? You should be happy I am, I can't help thatI find you attractive and its only natural that it leads to something else.

Its such a double standard as well, girls can get it whenever they want and they damn well know it... and how come its ok for her to force herself on me, but Ican't do the same?
I've tried to pull the I'm too tired card before just to prove a point, and nope, she jumps me and theres no looking back. Or how about the time shecame over to watch the superbowl with me, and I said after the superbowl, but nope she had to then. Yet when I want to, she gets mad at me if shedoesn't...

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all you probably do care about is sex, though. like the common line, "you coulda got it if you never woulda stressed it," i'm sure if youdon't really sweat it, she'll be throwing it at you on the regular. i've been through this and once i just stopped hyperventilating whenever iwasn't having sex, my girl was begging for it that much more.
I think this happens in a lot of relationships at one point or another. Just say something like, "I love to express my attraction to you in a physicalway," or, "I'm so attracted to you that it's hard to keep my hands off of you."
I'm not stressin over it. Its just annoying, we were at my house and she says she's not comfortable cause its not clean, had we been at herapartment it would have been a different story.

I straight up told her one time I'd finish myself if she wouldnt, thinking she would then, and she just hit me with the "thats fine"
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I think this happens in a lot of relationships at one point or another. Just say something like, "I love to express my attraction to you in a physical way," or, "I'm so attracted to you that it's hard to keep my hands off of you."

followed by a restraining order.
violence is not the answer
I hate that whole you're so sexy I can't keep my hands off of you thing, sometimes I just don't to do it give me space.
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