Getting Caught Off Guard

Aug 10, 2003
This could be anything like you picking your nose in your car while in traffic or you slipping and falling and someone saw you... Mines wasn't that serious this morning but I was doing my work and trying to eat breakfast quickly at the same time.... So I shove a piece of my croissant in my face and tare that thing up and my mouth is full as if i was spitting tobacco...then my coworker comes up to me and says good morning and asks how my weekend was all while my face is stuffed and im trying to finish up and swallow my food before i can even open my mouth and talk :smh: ...Anything interesting happen to you while you got caught up out of nowhere :lol:
Not mine but from another forum. Thought I post it since its the beginning
Ok so I'm back home with my parents and sleeping in the same room as my teenage sister since she has two beds.

It's 11PM and I'm just casually watching some adult entertainment. My sister looks to be asleep and she can't see my iPad anyway. I thought my headphones were plugged in... but they weren't.

I realized this when I can hear the echo of a ladies voice in the room. I lift up one earcup and lo and behold, I got porn noises playing full-blast throughout my little sisters room
Blowin' a blunt in the school parking lot about a year ago and my football coach walks up to the car and knocks on the window. Definitely caught off guard, dropped the blunt on my brand new Pink Dolphin windbreaker and burnt a hole in it.
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