Gestapo/Black Ops in Portland? Erik Prince Blackwater Reborn

You have no idea what a dictatorship is. Look no further than Iran, Russia, China and North Korea where you'd be snatched from your bedroom before you even woke up to protest.
What about the murder of Fred Hampton
Could states call upon their national guard to protect it's citizens? That'd be some crazy ****. Standoff between the feds and the national guard.
Could states call upon their national guard to protect it's citizens? That'd be some crazy ****. Standoff between the feds and the national guard.
The Army and National Guard would not to citizens what DHS and Erik Prince are asking if his personalized army
Apparently what is taking place in PDX is either happening already or is about to start happening here in KC. It was proposed as a way to help curb the # of violent deaths the city has had so far this year.
Apparently what is taking place in PDX is either happening already or is about to start happening here in KC. It was proposed as a way to help curb the # of violent deaths the city has had so far this year.
shouldve started that ish in chicago
You have no idea what a dictatorship is. Look no further than Iran, Russia, China and North Korea where you'd be snatched from your bedroom before you even woke up to protest.

you don't know ****. my family in south america lived through a dictatorship. i got firsthand experience being tear gassed at the age of 5 by military troops that were being supported by the CIA. and many more stories.
keep thinking you're immune or safe or deluding yourself that it's not here
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Didnt know this thread existed but the situation out here is heated. I know a guy that's been out there for weeks and haven't really caught up with him since I dont want to do it through phone, facebook, or IG.

I'm glad our local leaders, mayor and governor has condemned Trump and his his show of force in our city. It's actually lead to some reforms to our local authorities. They'll no longer use unmarked cars to arrest the citizens and they have to be in uniform and identify themselves with a name and plenty of stuff a couple weeks ago. I still dont vibe with them because the police here also have a history of getting away with **** and I've been in many situations with police in or around the counties around Portland and they are scumbags.

This upcoming week will be really telling on how this **** really goes down especially now that the entire country and world is magnifying in on everything. FDT!
WOW the crowd legit ****** up the federal building barriers and once they got to the glass the feds came out hot!

These crowds will continue to grow if these are the tactics DHS decides to use.
was at the park earlier today. estimates were at about 2,000 people. real inspiring **** seeing so many people come through and put themselves out there

kkkops are going kinda crazy at this very minute though firing on people

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