Georgia mom arrested for letting her 10 year old get a RIP tattoo..if she consented, why the uproar?

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by MoonMan818


He got a tattoo in remembrance of his dead brother.
i'm saying, his mom thought it was legal and the tattoo artist did it. this 10 year old had a better idea than half the adults that get them.  i don't see the problem.

Better than getting DRAKE tatted on your forehead
dumb adults these days
Originally Posted by NobleKane

wow thats terrible. what dumb parents...
She's dumb because her son died, and she allowed her other son to get a tattoo in his remembrance?
brb allowing my child freedom
brb not hurting anybody
brb being labeled dumb
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

For those saying this is no big deal, if your 10 year old child comes up to you and asks if they can get a tat, would you let them?
"Absolutely not, but why is it your concern if i did? " Exactly, cause honestly you can't even explain what's wrong about it other than the fact you wouldn't allow it on your child, which I wouldn't either, but that's me. If she sees nothing wrong with tattoos, and she was ok with it what's the issue? The law is the law so the artist should be held responsible, but she did nothing wrong. Horrible parenting? Because in her opinion it was ok to let her son do something he wanted to you wouldn't allow? All you dudes saying this are basing it off of what you feel
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by bay1591

*in b4 thread turns into a debate on racism*

From a parenting point of view, why? If the kids asks for a gun, is she going to give him one just because he is a kid? Just bad parenting
Son is really comparing giving a child a gun to a tattoo 
. Questionable decision by the parent, but not that serious. Kids get dumb tattoos all the time, only difference is this one a little younger. Unless she personally did the tattoo I don't see how that law they brought up places her in jail. Also to all you dudes talking about how awful this is, can you really say whats awful about it? I understand dude is too young to understand the magnitude of permanently marking his body (like any teen) but what she's saying is true, son didn't go out and put spongebob on himself, it's something that truly meant something to him

And why is that? Why is this kid (at 10) hoping for a tattoo to remember his dead brother? I think we're overlooking something bigger here. We expose our kids to the wrong things and have their minds into utter stupidity. 
So it isn't the fact she allowed it, it's tattoos which are actually wrong now? Cause that's exactly what your saying. See what I mean, by letting feelings cloud your judgement. Should a child want a tattoo I don't (feel) they should, but the kid did. I can't sit there and explain to him that getting a tattoo of his brother is wrong, because it isn't at the end of the day. Only thing I could tell my child in this situation is that I think there a little too young and maybe later down the line, but obviously she didn't feel that way, and I can't sit here saying she wrong for that. She didn't harm her child, you dudes sitting here talking like lil man was sad and she let him shoot up heroin. 
I'm lost if 15 year olds can get married with their parents consent why can't a 10 year old get a tattoo with their parents consent?
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Good job by the Police department. I cringed watching this video. I don't know how common this is in our community but if it is, it has got to stop. We're taking our kids to get tattoos now? That's how low we've stooped? Bad enough you chose to damage your skin with that stuff you're actually supporting and encouraging tattoos to your 10 year old son? Man.. we should be making the news for more important and meaningful reasons.. I bet this news outlet was delighted to put this woman on camera and embarrass us more. 

Awful parenting, but the tattoo artist should be the one arrested.� 
No if ands or buts, son. The only thing that needs to be spoken on is this womans horrible parenting.

You guys are seriously so judge mental.
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