Gay/Safe Sex Ads on Billboards/Signs On Public Transportation

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So a Hippo that plays with another man hippo's butt is considered NORMAL?

How is that so?
How? Because animals only operate on instinct; that's how.

The only thing abnormal about a hippo playing with the butt of a man-hippo... is the existence of a man-hippo.

I honestly don't get it when a dude says "I don't find women attractive". Sorry but I don't get it. Can someone explain the other sidespoint of view please?
I really wish people would just be concerned with themselves and not what the next person is doing.

I'm a straight guy, the act of guy on guy action is
to me. I'm sure to some gay people, heterosexual sex is probably
to them.

But thats them. I have no problem with people whos orientation differs from mine. They're humans. Regular ol' people who have different taste indifferent things.
Originally Posted by Rightguard

I saw the same thing riding the metro yesterday but it was two white males......From the stand point of kids seeing that I do think it is inappropriate

anything sexual exposed to kids is not right then again I haven't see ONE thread complaining about ads with female/male

closet homophobes go somewhere
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Originally Posted by Rightguard

I saw the same thing riding the metro yesterday but it was two white males......From the stand point of kids seeing that I do think it is inappropriate

anything sexual exposed to kids is not right then again I haven't see ONE thread complaining about ads with female/male

closet homophobes go somewhere
Closet homophobes?? dudes on this forum make Fred Phleps look like the poster boy for the gay-straight alliance
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I honestly don't get it when a dude says "I don't find women attractive". Sorry but I don't get it. Can someone explain the other sides point of view please?
if i asked you if you found men attractive you would say "I don't find men attractive", simply apply that to the other side. a gayman simply doesn't find women attractive just like you a straight guy doesn't find men attractive.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So a Hippo that plays with another man hippo's butt is considered NORMAL?

How is that so?
How? Because animals only operate on instinct; that's how.

The only thing abnormal about a hippo playing with the butt of a man-hippo... is the existence of a man-hippo.

Originally Posted by pr1nts

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I honestly don't get it when a dude says "I don't find women attractive". Sorry but I don't get it. Can someone explain the other sides point of view please?
if i asked you if you found men attractive you would say "I don't find men attractive", simply apply that to the other side. a gay man simply doesn't find women attractive just like you a straight guy doesn't find men attractive.
Ok I get that. But I mean have they seen Megan Good? I know I'm going to get flack for this but I find it so girly if a dude said "ManKobe is so freakin sexy". I treat gay people with the same respect as anybody but I have my opinions and I'm honest about what I thnk. There comes toa point where you sit and think like "dang its dudes out there who would rather be with Chris Brown then Rihanna? Dang thats wild". I think overallits a choice and sometimes people are a product of their surroundings. To me its like if a guy wants to be a player. He wasn't born a player, he adoptedit. We're not born liking shoes we adopt it. Skin heads aren't born hating us they adopt it. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Call me WHATEVER youwant. But like your entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mind. And another thing I have a problem with is Gay people have so much power when it comesto what words when can use and etc. But when someone disses something like religion it gets a pass. Why is that?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by pr1nts

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I honestly don't get it when a dude says "I don't find women attractive". Sorry but I don't get it. Can someone explain the other sides point of view please?
if i asked you if you found men attractive you would say "I don't find men attractive", simply apply that to the other side. a gay man simply doesn't find women attractive just like you a straight guy doesn't find men attractive.
Ok I get that. But I mean have they seen Megan Good? I know I'm going to get flack for this but I find it so girly if a dude said "Man Kobe is so freakin sexy". I treat gay people with the same respect as anybody but I have my opinions and I'm honest about what I thnk. There comes to a point where you sit and think like "dang its dudes out there who would rather be with Chris Brown then Rihanna? Dang thats wild". I think overall its a choice and sometimes people are a product of their surroundings. To me its like if a guy wants to be a player. He wasn't born a player, he adopted it. We're not born liking shoes we adopt it. Skin heads aren't born hating us they adopt it. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Call me WHATEVER you want. But like your entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mind. And another thing I have a problem with is Gay people have so much power when it comes to what words when can use and etc. But when someone disses something like religion it gets a pass. Why is that?
because you supposed to turn the other cheek. I agree with you on the inability to find someone like Megean Good
but I don't really thinktoo much into it. I love women though
why would anyone choose to be homosexual in a world like this...not saying i agree or disagree with you or anyone...just want an answer...
+!% is go-go music? i keep hearing about it
Is that like Beach Boys/Cindy Lauper or some *#*%?
Doin the Butt...the song...thats go-go

only thing i can think of that most people have heard...
As long as they have safe sex ads for heterosexuals I'm cool with it.
If they don't..... then I don't believe such ads (gay/safe sex ads) should exist and they get a
from me
DC was a hella gay city---but I think most of the boys/girls are doin' it cuz its cool, they don't what is ACTUALLY means. Like being gay doesn'tjust mean you wear loud colors, tight clothes, and talk like Ms. Jay. They used to make me sick actin' all loud and ignorant on the bus (70), me and mydude would just laugh and shake our heads. I personally think its sad and a mockery of real Gay people.

Don't sleep on Go-Go....UCB and BYB

And for ya'll goin' back and forth with DC
I don't evenknow why--he thrives off of this.....
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Doin the Butt...the song...thats go-go

only thing i can think of that most people have heard...

I also wondered why someone would want to spend their life getting it in the A
. But then I thought why do people do alot of things. Because they want to. Why do people smoke crack?
Anal sex is something that A LOT of people do, not just gay guys, come on now..people just drop their common sense off when they come in tis thread. And MyT,from what I hear we "like the attention and wanna push the lifestyle on people."..and doing the butt was my song when I was little lol..
Anal sex is something that A LOT of people do, not just gay guys, come on now..people just drop their common sense off when they come in tis thread. And MyT,from what I hear we "like the attention and wanna push the lifestyle on people."..and doing the butt was my song when I was little lol..
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

^ I don't think anyone is going to take your bait man

I'm not laying bait. I'm not even looking to argue. Just stating my thoughts like mytmouse, newkid and others.

Anal sex is something that A LOT of people do, not just gay guys,
Yeah I know. I never thought of it as something too appealing.

"like the attention and wanna push the lifestyle on people."
Some do it for that. But I doubt majority do. But you know some girls do it for social reasons. And I would say the second part is false becauseI've NEVER seen or heard a Gay person pressing the issue like "come to the dark side" or anything like that.

When it comes down to it I haven't ran into but 1 gay person that was bad. The rest were cool. I don't dislike them or hate them, I just don'tthink its right. I just wanted people to be clear on that. Now another question. This is a question for anyone with a opinion. How do you feel about gaymarriage compared to civil unions?
alot of you are bringing up girls who say they are gay for attention...they are not the majority so for the most part i don't see that as a validarguement...
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Anal sex is something that A LOT of people do, not just gay guys, come on now..people just drop their common sense off when they come in tis thread. And MyT, from what I hear we "like the attention and wanna push the lifestyle on people."..and doing the butt was my song when I was little lol..

The butt hole is not meant for that. Even if it is man/woman interaction
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