Gas Prices

Nobody is safe out here, my boys wife got thrown out of her chevy traverse at a red light.

Forget about parking outside because you’ll fire up your car and it will be loud as hell when your catalytic converters are gone.
Damn! She didn't have her doors locked?...not that locked doors means much to a thief. And you're right nobody & nowhere is safe anymore man. We just can't have anything nice anymore.

And yes sir they got my sis-in-laws Accord on the cat last Dec & when my brother started the car it sounded like a diesel tugboat lol. Right away we all knew what that sound meant. No worries though, there's a very special place in hell waiting for these scumbag thieves.
Yep air tags are the new jig . The only thing is they show up one your phone if one is detected .
Yup so small & easy to hide on targets. I have an android & I downloaded a tracker detecting app called Tracker Detect. How well does it work I don't know lol but I like to think it's of some use
Damn! She didn't have her doors locked?...not that locked doors means much to a thief. And you're right nobody & nowhere is safe anymore man. We just can't have anything nice anymore.

And yes sir they got my sis-in-laws Accord on the cat last Dec & when my brother started the car it sounded like a diesel tugboat lol. Right away we all knew what that sound meant. No worries though, there's a very special place in hell waiting for these scumbag thieves.

I think she did, she just was like meh whatever have my basic car.
^ I don’t wanna get all Dave Ramsey on ppl, but I seriously wanna ask how much those ppl with $900-$1k month car payments make :lol: I make pretty good money with no debt and no kids and I can’t imagine spending over $700/month on anything.

All I can say is, not as much as you thing they need to, to to make the payments. I only sold the cars, I never saw credit info (not my perview), but just taking my little payment calculator to give round about estimates, made my hand shake and I wasn't paying for it. I always tried to talk people out of overbuying. Everyone had to have the top level everything 🤦🏻‍♂️

Rule of thumb, at 60 months, using an average rate of 4.99% (yes, there is less elsewhere, this is only for guesstimating) for every $1,000 financed, the payment is $20 a month (it's a tad less but this is always the norm for easy quick adding). $10K= $200 a month, give or take. $20K=$400 and so on and so on. Take a $60K F Series. Payment is $1,132 a month. Granted, I am doing these with $0 down. But even putting $20K, it's still over $750 a month! 😳😳
That $47k average is probably heavily skewed by trucks sales. Best selling vehicles by a wide margin, expensive to start with, and car makers know they can tax for them

I think if you were to look at true car sales only the number is a lot lower. A nice EV priced like a Civic or Camry would probably sell ok

Your definitely right on the fact that trucks are the reason for the high value. But also remember, there really isn't many cars for sale as there used to be. The big 3 are 90% trucks and SUVs. No cars on Ford (other than the Mustang), Chevy, besides the C8, the Camaro is dead after 2023. The Malibu and Spark are it. And the Bolt but they had a stop sale due to fire risk. Only the Challenge & Charger for a Dodge and Buick is done with cars (Regal is dead). So that's an issue right there.

Been saying it for years, cars are still needed. It's why Toyota and Honda & the other makes still do well. Not everyone and their brother needs a truck or SUV. Sedans are a lot less expensive, for the most part get way better mileage than the bigger stuff and not everyone wants to sit up high. Kia and Hyundai are doing well with their stuff. Hell, I'd buy a Fusion Energi again if they offered a car. But since they don't, I'm kinda forced to get the Maverick little truck (though I'm totally fine with it as it will fit my needs well). But I would have gotten a car over it in a heartbeat.

Cheap EVs will make the transition to them from gas easier if someone would just take the leap and offer one.
Welp the war in Ukraine seems to be fully underway

Sanction will come

And if Russia cuts off the rest of the world, gas prices finna jump like crazy again

I didn’t believe it but gas is really gonna be $7 out here by summer

16 gl 77 bucks and I fill up about 3 times every 2 weeks.

If this continues to go up, i dont see how a lot of jobs go back remote .... schools transportation cancel and remote etc.
Costco near me was $4.39.

The Chevron a couple blocks from home jumped from $4.99 to $5.49. Sigh.
Have any of you ever seen a report or video of this guy that ran a motor or vehicle with water? I wonder of or was fake or debunked ... but man, all this technology and we have to depend on ******* oil and stuff.
Have any of you ever seen a report or video of this guy that ran a motor or vehicle with water? I wonder of or was fake or debunked ... but man, all this technology and we have to depend on ****ing oil and stuff.
Breh we couldve been driving on anything but gas since forever, but then they couldnt sell oil to everyone and dictate the prices making money hand over fist.
They got their grip tight over everybody until all cars become electric. But even then theyre gonna find a way to make the same money. It sucks.
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