Games You Would Like to See Re-Made (or Made) for The Xbox 360

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

KILLER INSTINCT would be the best game for them to remake on the 360.......hands down

a new X-Men vs Street Fighter would be ill too

SERIOUSLY I would give my left testicle for a new version of KI ...even just a redone HD version or something of an older one. I'm sick of playing thelaggy versions on mame.
Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

KILLER INSTINCT would be the best game for them to remake on the 360.......hands down

a new X-Men vs Street Fighter would be ill too
SERIOUSLY I would give my left testicle for a new version of KI ...even just a redone HD version or something of an older one. I'm sick of playing the laggy versions on mame.

Well being that microsoft now has the rights to RARE (Banjo-Kazooie, Donkie Kong, Killer Instinct) Etc... They are alrady in talks with getting KI to XBLA.
Originally Posted by dropKicks

This game was the #%@# .. dunno why they haven't re-made yet
...Id also like a sims game for the hood. Or a realistic version of San Andreas.
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by JDub4

Patiently waiting for the day that Daytona USA is brought to Xbox Live Arcade. I don't need updated graphics or new modes, just make sure online play is amazing and I can die happy. Microsoft, MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Daytona USA is from SEGA ...
Why does that matter? XBL Arcade has some Sega Games such as Streets of Rage, Sonic, and Golden Axel.
Nothing until they fix all the #*@$!%# problems with the piece of %%*% system

yes i'm mad, i just had another game ruined

#%+% You Microsoft!

Halo: Combat Evolved
-HD Graphics
-Xbox Live
-Everything else EXACTLY the same

Pistol w/ scope FTW
NBA JAM 2on2. with the turbo that makes your shoes turn color. and the prresidents should be Barack and Biden. boomshackalacka
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

Originally Posted by bns1201

killzone 2 for xbox 360

oh wait...too bad it can't handle it
thats ok.... id rather play GEARS
gears as of now stinks. the online is unbalanced the onlything it has going for it is horde, and how even that is a lag fest
All of these with XBL and HD graphics...

Stupid 2k Sports


Best Star Wars game ever made


I know it's available through "Xbox originals", which is how I own it, but a HD version or sequel would be appreciated
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