Games Exclusive to Playstation 3??

Jan 21, 2007
So I picked up a PS3 yesterday and decided I'm going to keep it, I have a Wii and a 360 also so I was wondering what games exclusive to PS3 were good? Iwas already thinking of picking up Little Big Planet, anything else worth a try?
I got that resistance 2. It's pretty good. But the best PS3 exclusive is MGS4, it blows everything else out of the water.
RD for killzon 2?...first game i ever played online, might steal my girls PS3 just for this game.
Gran Turismo.

That and MGS4 are the only reasons I'm hesitating to buy a 360.
But a PS3 is so damn expensive.
Originally Posted by Broke on Nikes

Gran Turismo.

That and MGS4 are the only reasons I'm hesitating to buy a 360.
But a PS3 is so damn expensive.

Black Friday my friend. Or wait till after Christmas. Or dare I say ......eBay?

-The Juice
Originally Posted by Broke on Nikes

Gran Turismo.

That and MGS4 are the only reasons I'm hesitating to buy a 360.
But a PS3 is so damn expensive.
you and me both. i need MGS4 in the worst way. no money for a ps3. time to call parents in for reinforcements, since black fridayis approching.
dude go to the ps3 forums....

there are nuthin but fanboys on here who come to bash the ps3 on here....

insetad of enjoying all 3 consoles....
There is some really good games out or coming out
Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, SOCOM, MGS4...
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