Gamers of NT.. do you go through phases where you have no desire to play a game at all?

I recently played I think megaman x10 or 2 demo on the PSN.

When I got to a part where there was an enemy jumping from the space below I tried timing it.

No lie, soon as I got the timing right instead of going with its original pattern it waited till I attempted to jump over it to jump out again.

Then the enemies on the other side of the hole decided to spawn and fly in my direction as I got hit by the stupid thing that jumped, causing me to fall into the hole and die.

I quit the game and deleted it.

The only thing I found more frustrating than that was when I fell down a hole in world 3-1 of demon's souls after killing every enemy in the tower. Like, it wasn't even an obvious hole either. They had doors on the other end of it with glowing items.

I stopped playing my PS3 for 3 months.
lol i have been threw this time and time again. I play soooooooooo damn much.
I only play whenever I have time. Currently school has been taking up most of it so I havent really played games since winter break. But summer is roughly a week and half away from today, and best believe I will be back to playing.
I'm not a gamer but I've tried to get into games, I will pick up the latest systems and popular games and enjoy the game but I have a very short game attention span. Something like 10 mins and I dont want to focus anymore. That reason alone I don't bother playing. Also I never get good.
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