FX' Fargo Sunday 10PM ET : Season 4 Episode 8 "The Nadir" Starring Chris Rock 11/08/20

I think she dozed off at the diner... had the Utopia dream... then woke up when her pancakes arrived. We see the bulletin board with the chicken piccata recipe and the doll fair flyer, which was part of her dream. Another odd thing was that she ran out of gas despite having stopped at the truck stop where she, presumably, refilled. Also, there wasn't a road next to the Camp Utopia sign... it was just a sign on the side of the road. That might not really mean anything, but I just found it odd. 🤷‍♂️ When things kinda seem odd, it could indicate that she was dreaming.

Anyway, she ordered her pancakes, dozed off... had her dream... woke up when her pancakes arrived... noticed her SUV in the parking lot (still thinking Linda was there)... goes outside... then gets taken out by that truck accident.
I think you’re right, the bulletin board is good evidence. In either scenario though the whole part where she’s driving to camp Utopia, runs out of gas, etc is part of the dream. I was referring to drive before she got to the diner when she dozed off for a second while the puppet song was playing on the radio.
I think when she dozed off before the diner and started running onto the shoulder... that was real. 🤔
4 episodes in on the new season.


I mean episode 3 zoned me out but episode 4 might of pulled me back in lol.

I have no idea how I feel about this season.
Think the most important thing that happened aside from Roy walking in at the end, was the insight we got with regards to Young Gator and Nadine’s relationship.
I wonder if they are foreshadowing a moment of redemption for him, with him helping Dorothy, before he gets taken out
I wonder if they are foreshadowing a moment of redemption for him, with him helping Dorothy, before he gets taken out
Yeah that’s kinda been my take on it for a while now. Make him look like a huge ****head in the beginning to then have him redeem himself later.

Decent kid that ended up going to **** under the influence of Roy.
Gator was dealt with an unfortunate situation... having been brought up by that abusive AH and essentially abandoned (I'm guessing) by Nadine. But at the same time, he's in his late 20 (I think) and is old enough to know what's right and wrong... and he's done his fair share of awful stuff. I can see some redemption, but he needs to be held accountable.
The show is heavily foreshadowing that he will be killed for his actions

But regarding the show's general commentary about masculinity, Gator kinda symbolizes one way how innocent young boys become ****** men.

So maybe they do explore him still having some good in him.

But in the end, he will probably have to pay for his actions as a murderous manchild
There has been 0 likable male characters this season. Maybe the lawyer and possibly Winston from New Girl but he hasn't shown up in a while.
Was going to start the Season today and catch 1-7 before episode 8 n Tuesday but I just realized Tuesday isn’t the Season finale, so might wait 2more weeks
There has been 0 likable male characters this season. Maybe the lawyer and possibly Winston from New Girl but he hasn't shown up in a while.
Is he the cop? He seems like a decent guy.

Wayne is also a good person at heart, but it looks like he's damaged... from the electrocution and fall. I guess you can say he's the only good guy in the entire show.
Wayne has some flaws. Like being a major pushover (probably a consequence of his mother being how she is), but he seems like a generally good person

His mother, wife, and daughter all seemingly really love him

I like dude. And they really putting mans through it
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Thread needs a NEW START.

Went ahead and started the Season, I was ready.
I DVR these and I still have to watch commercials.
Fell asleep 30min in last night and to FF back to my spot I’ve had to watch 9minutes of commercials and I’m finally back to my spot.
Put this joint on at 7:45pm
Took me that long to get back to my spot.
Buddy, episode 5 I’m in and what in the, man…..this is like the POWER Universe.
Some unreal stuff happening just, because.
I’m finishing this episode and I’m heading to Google for “Fargo episode 12345 explained”…get VULTURE opinion on what the actual
Stop hurting Dot! 😭😭

Man, the scenes between Roy and Dot were so tough to watch.
Throughout the entire season thus far, we've seen her relatively calm and in control (even when kidnapped), but this is the first time she's looked that broken and hopeless. 😓

But that debate scene... 🤠🤠🤠🤠... 😂😂

Munch gonna munch. 👀

Scumbag Lars, he can ****off! 😒😂😂

But RIP Danish... I guess he just assumed that she wouldn't have wanted to save Dot (she did have her committed after all), but after seeing her file, it changed her mind. Of course, I don't think he knew that. I guess he underestimated Roy. Giving up Dot in exchange for the election would have been a good deal, but he's too much of a narcissist and psychopath to accept the deal. I didn't watch the preview for next week, but I hope they're setting Roy up for an epic demise!

And Linda is, indeed, dead.
All caught up.
Buddy, Danish was absolutely out of his mind after handing the phone to The banker while Loraine **** on him.
He had so much confidence after the incident that he actually let himself BELIEVE it was an okay idea to go on to Roy’s Farm after humiliating him in the town debate, and think he would walk out alive.

He Acted as if his Lawyer title gave him an invisibility that would work against a Cop killer.

Like Roy would draw the line at Lawyers.
I think this is my favorite season, and I think they’ve all been great. This last episode was incredible.
"Quiet, rabbit." 👀

Gotta get this out of the way first, but... why didn't Dot bring her gun into the grave??? I thought she had some plan, but it looked like she just forgot?! Just doesn't feel like a mistake Dot would make.

Roy completely ignoring his wife passed out on the floor and not even bothering to untie Gator was so on-brand!
"if there ever was a point to you, its gone now"... damn!

Cool moment to see Munch come save the Tiger though. I wonder if we'll see him again or if his arc has ended.

"No daughter of mine is going down on the one yard line. Now put your big girl pants on and get in the fight! You hear me." 🙌

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Ish is gonna go down next week!
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