Just got back from SDCC. Here is my Haul from Fundays and Conan. Didn't want to include the crappy Dorbz and Hikaris. I let my Fundays +1 keep everything given at the event besides the box.

Have a Spider-Man Conan on the way via trade. No luck with MonoConan

Poe Freddy :nthat:

Damn that's a good haul. Wish I could ask for an oop on one of those WW Conan's...
yeezysb yeezysb awesome fundays haul, that Poe has me in my feelings. think all I'm keeping is the flux set and strange.

If anyone has Toy Tokyo Batman with the TT sticker I'm trading a megaman Proto and some other stuff for it. Hit me up
yeezysb yeezysb awesome fundays haul, that Poe has me in my feelings. think all I'm keeping is the flux set and strange.

If anyone has Toy Tokyo Batman with the TT sticker I'm trading a megaman Proto and some other stuff for it. Hit me up
Your haul was pretty good. No one at my table got any 24 pc. I could complete the Flux set if I wanted but I told my group to just sell theirs.

Seems like you got the Spidey Conan you wanted. What did the MonoConan cost you via trades/cash?

Pretty much missed out on Chrome Bats (EU sites) + Translucent Night King while I was at SDCC. Made up for it with all those Conan's I got for free though.
Welp, bad news, my blue scooby got canceled. Good news, my friend's scooby shipped and he's willing to trade it for my green ranger.
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