Well shows you how much I don't resell. Lol.

Repped for the knowledge.
It's just a guide that shows the average value of a pop you may be curious to look up. Some people live and die by that and others go by eBay. I think PPG gets the price from eBay though lol
you getting reported too. what's worst than the bastard jon snow. that annoying entitled trash Dany
I saw the flexing/hoarding in here earlier...

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That look AWESOME. How did you get them all charged to glow like well?!? I can't get anywhere near that on 3 at a time.

He's Team Iron man, but i can deal with that.

Thanks for The kinds words. I really do appreciate it.

I can't be for Cap, I love 'Murica and can't be Team Hydra! [emoji]128512[/emoji]

lol. i was wondering why i was quoted.

since we posting favorite pops...i know hes super common, but being from Georgia and a Georgia Tech fan, CJ is my favorite pop. hoping that i can run into him one day and get it signed.

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I really like him and his pop as well. He's been one of my favorite players to watch since he showed up. Its going to be weird and a bummer to watch games on Sunday and not hear about or see him anymore. I think he made a smart decision though for sure.
Just opened my marvel year box and while I'm not completely disappointed. I feel that I didn't get my money's worth with this box. It seems that they charged retail on every piece. Would have been happy if it was $30-40 cheaper
If that's the way you feel then it probably is a good time to get out. Showing pictures of things you have that people would love to make deals on with no intention of moving but not wanting to keep helps no-one, and it doesn't paint you in the best light to be honest. I'm not saying that should matter, but your in a forum that from what I understand you started, posting pictures just to gloat in people's faces. I don't really know what you're hoping to accomplish besides coming across as rude. If that's the goal, mission accomplished. This is probably the best group of collectors I've come across, people who want to genuinely help each other accomplish their collecting goals and be a part of a community of like-minded people. I can't imagine many people want to sit and see posts of people doing exactly what you are. Sorry you had some bad experiences; I very recently have to. Lost out on some things my wife really, really wanted. There's certain people I for sure won't be helping again, but that doesn't mean I'm turning my back on the people I've met who have gone above and beyond for me. Guess that's how I know I'm not done collecting even though I'm not enthralled with Funko and how they do things and being screwed by a few people I felt were honest and trustworthy when I gave them deals. Take this how you want, but I felt it had to be said.

In all honesty THESE are the types of responses I mean when I say I won't help people anymore. Those pics I posted, I either sold to people on here for retail or traded them for stuff that was deemed less "valuable". All I've done is help but just like most collectors you assumed the worst when pops people "want" get posted in multiples. I bought multiples back in the day to do custom pieces, never found the time so I basically gave a lot of these away. Grown men getting negatively emotional over toys is just weird. You can't even be playful about stuff without people crying over the smallest thing. Next time simply whisper to yourself, these are toys. The fact you automatically assumed I was gloating because I posted a 4year old pic is SAD! It was simply a convo starter of something else besides SDCC. I Honestly couldn't care less how it paints me in anybody's eyes. It amazes me how some people managed to turn a hobby like collecting bobble heads of beloved childhood characters into some depressing ish like this! You saw my post and got upset, you saw my post and said to yourself "this a****** is gloating" saw my post and said "I need to get some stuff off my chest!" Instead of saying "damn, must be nice" or "nice pickups". It's ok tho brotha, I hope you can find the positive in your collecting and appreciate what you have instead of harping over stuff you've missed. You have a nice night.
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How does PPG determines the pop value. A lot of my PoPs that I love are losing in the lower single digits :lol:
What's next up for everyone now that SDCC is over? I'm gonna go back to FYE and take advantage of the buy 2 get 1 75% off, and build my Deadpool collection. :smokin
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How does PPG determines the pop value. A lot of my PoPs that I love are losing in the lower single digits :lol:
I'm pretty sure it just averages eBay prices over a period of time. Not sure how often that number is updated though.
Hey, who needed an Iron Throne? I thought I sold my extra but I checked and it was in my closet. Anyone want to get any trades going? Or I'll just sell it to you on the low?

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