I have had lootcrate for the last 2 months and I feel like it's not worth it

From all the past crates I've seen theres only been two Pops I've really wanted. I don't care for that other stuff.

I slowly see my collection of mighty muggs and kid robot transition over to Pops
Ok so does anyone know if the Walgreens exclusives are regional? Been to about 10 Walgreens here in Baltimore and the only ones I see are The Punisher. No black Spidey, no Spidey 2099 AND NO VENOM!!! I have about 3 more imma try tomorrow before I give up and get it shipped from someone.
L7oser L7oser I don't think they're regional. You might want to check the first few Walgreens you went to. A lot of the spots that didn't have them my first visit had em when I was no longer looking for myself. The Walgreens that seemed to get the most business were the ones I found them at. Pops could be really popular in your area too.
for anyone who has joined nerd block, loot crate, and soon to be marvel collector corps do you feel like it is worth it?

It's cool but not worth it if youre strictly looking for POPs.

Damn blacklion23 blacklion23 I slept. Lemme know if you can get another..

Picked these up from this crazy store in Burbank, CA. They had at least 150 different Funko Pops with 5-7 each. Picked these all up from there. Savage Hulk not pictured, or Cthulhu. Dude is gonna hit me up when they have Thanos too. Signed up for the Collector Corps. also cause I don't wanna miss the Hulkbuster or risk paying reseller price. Only $25 every other month though.

I have a Thanos for trade. Looking for Marvel POPs.

View media item 1460404
Signed up for the Marvel Collectors Corp. Hope whatever t-shirt they send fits.
Is B&N like Amazon? Some of those prices are crazy like Smaug for $70.
$ 7.59 total and free shipping for GITD Hulk from Barnes & Noble as a B&N member plus the 20% coupon. Thanks!
Starting my collection with ninja turles. Do you guys get double or just keep them boxed for displaying only
I started with the same collection. They are still in the box until I can display them in my office.
Copped Gamma Glow Hulk, AOU Iron Man and red Deadpool. Marvel collection growing lol
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