The Funko collectors around my way are something else. Trying real hard to get Target workers fired.....SMH. Maybe I'm biased cause in my youth when I worked at Shiekh and Nike I know I would hold back pairs for me and the homies. Bottom line is these collectors don't know if the product was sold early or if employees legit hid them. I know of two Targets around my way that put them on shelves last tues/weds. Even talked to one of the managers that helped me get an NES during last years hype and he couldn't even get a Crota for himself, cause another manager put them out on his off day.
Yea its a double edged sword, hard to get mad at a employee taking perks of a job if they can set things aside, etc, just sucks for us who go in with an expectation of being able to find something on the shelf. Some of the stuff goes beyond just setting it aside though, there were a lot of shenanigans with that Walmart Pennywise. I guess at this point, if there's a chase that I really want, Ill just preorder it and remind myself I don't have to work at a Walmart or Target :lol:
Just my luck. Went Target before opening Sat and Sunday with nothing. No one else there on both days so I show up today at 8:01 only to see I got beat by two collectors. They grabbed the Pennywise and jack chase and there were no crotas. I think they sold the crotas yesterday after I left because I went back in the evening and the display was already out and missing 2.

On the bright side, called usps and the lady said my package should come today. She said it got marked delivered by the system and is rescheduled for today. We’ll see
Mail Call Today
IF (still alleged) employees of any store are holding stuff back. It sucks for us but I also don't blame them. (I also have no sympathy if you want it just to resell yourself)
These people out here making retail money.
Hopefully it's not the case though.
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