Full time job + Full time commuter student

Damn haze....props my man. I COULD not handle just doin pt time, full time commuter student. My sis didn't work all through college, some like bs workstudy like 10hrs a week don't count. I give props to yall who can pull it off. I won't lie havin parents who can support you is better than thatanyday, I can't do it.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Damn haze....props my man. I COULD not handle just doin pt time, full time commuter student. My sis didn't work all through college, some like bs work study like 10hrs a week don't count. I give props to yall who can pull it off. I won't lie havin parents who can support you is better than that anyday, I can't do it.
yes could...if you had to you could...
Some people do it. I did it for all of undergrad and I'm not the only one. One semester I had 21 hours and two jobs (that semester I taught - notTA'ed - a course and worked the night shift at a liquor store). I didn't have the same college experiences that other people had and I was extremelysleep-deprived but if you want to see the product you get when you're all finished, look up tempered steel. You don't get lazy when you're workingthat hard for something with no support because you don't have the option to slip.
My ex and i split because we didnt have time for each other. She works full time goes to school full time, also she studies all day when she gets home till 10then sleeps. I work two part imes and full time school but i party a lot so we really didnt work.

Its gonna be hard, but just think of all the people doing it to get where they need.
man i was doing that last year. *!!# was hell. i had no time for fun. but before i quit my job i was like *%$# it and would have fun whenever i wanted.eventually it dawned on me that it's not worth living like that and i should be enjoying myself so i quit the job of course
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Either she has her parent paying for everything or she has roommates living with her that you dont know about, trust me it is impossible to do that.

No time to go out FTL
It's NOT impossible. I work 40 hours a week plus I'm in school Mon, Tues, & Thurs 6:30 to 10:30 then I have an internet show from 8to 10 every Wednesday nite and DJ on the weekends plus I have 2 beautiful children plus work out after school. It's all about making sacrifices and howbad you really want it.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Damn haze....props my man. I COULD not handle just doin pt time, full time commuter student. My sis didn't work all through college, some like bs work study like 10hrs a week don't count. I give props to yall who can pull it off. I won't lie havin parents who can support you is better than that anyday, I can't do it.
yes could...if you had to you could...


there is no way a person who eats and trains in the gym like i do can work full time and handle full course load.

no way in hell i dont buy it.

i respect people who can handle working like that and keep up good grades i really do. if i had to choose id rather be a rich spoiled kid any day. imneither.........im in the in between i guess. im thankful for that.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Damn haze....props my man. I COULD not handle just doin pt time, full time commuter student. My sis didn't work all through college, some like bs work study like 10hrs a week don't count. I give props to yall who can pull it off. I won't lie havin parents who can support you is better than that anyday, I can't do it.
yes could...if you had to you could...


there is no way a person who eats and trains in the gym like i do can work full time and handle full course load.

no way in hell i dont buy it.
life is all about sacrifices man ....i gave up whatever little spare time i had to go to the gym...to take up fulltime night classes ...cuz iwanted my degree even tho i dont need it ...i just wanted it ...u just gotta pick which one u want more and make sacrifices
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Damn haze....props my man. I COULD not handle just doin pt time, full time commuter student. My sis didn't work all through college, some like bs work study like 10hrs a week don't count. I give props to yall who can pull it off. I won't lie havin parents who can support you is better than that anyday, I can't do it.
yes could...if you had to you could...


there is no way a person who eats and trains in the gym like i do can work full time and handle full course load.

no way in hell i dont buy it.
life is all about sacrifices man ....i gave up whatever little spare time i had to go to the gym...to take up fulltime night classes ...cuz i wanted my degree even tho i dont need it ...i just wanted it ...u just gotta pick which one u want more and make sacrifices
My point exactly
like i said i really respect folks who can do that........

working full time and full time course load................you prolly smash like once a month? how often do you relax? i cant work out? prolly eat garbage,always tired. etc.

my well being comes FIRST.

its just like how people let life pass by because all they worried about is money, i dunno i just see things different. end of the day you gotta do what yougotta do though. i will never work 80 hrs a week in my life, screw that.
For the past 2 1/2 years I've done at least 15 hours, 5 days a week on campus and AT LEAST 34 hours, 6 days a week at work.

No idea how I did this:
-commute to campus
-class from 8 or 9 til 3
-work from either 5 or 6 till 12:30
-and then gym from 1 or 1:30 till near near 3 some nights

I just recently got laid off two weeks ago and it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm in my last month at this school and graduate in May. Mysocial life has been a mere hi and bye and "are you on line?"
But now that I have so much free time I don't even know what to do with it
Like seriously though it was a huge adjustment, especially my sleep schedule.
I showed up at a function last monday as was met with dozens of
its all time management. i work fulltime 40 hours a week on my feet all day, fulltime student 14 units, and party/kickit on the daily.

not saying its easy, but very manageable. mon/wed is school classes/hw all day long, and rest of week is work 1-9 then party/kickit after.
Full time job/Full time student about to be 3 yrs, not easy but very doable if your heads on straight....you really grow to love all the time off you canget...realize how much time you took for granted when you were younger...days, weeks, months go by so much quicker...

married (smash whenever i want) - i lived my life - saw more @!#! then an average joe will see in there entire life ...relax? got a condo up in lake tahoe ihit up every other weekend for snowboarding and relaxing for the winter time and i take trips to Asia during the summer ...as for eatting garbage nah, i stillwatch my diet i dont have a sweet tooth and not a heavy meat (pause) eater ....i just wanted my degree

as long as you getting ur degree man, nothing wrong with hitting the books and watching ur health
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

like i said i really respect folks who can do that........

working full time and full time course load................you prolly smash like once a month? how often do you relax? i cant work out? prolly eat garbage, always tired. etc.

my well being comes FIRST.

its just like how people let life pass by because all they worried about is money, i dunno i just see things different. end of the day you gotta do what you gotta do though. i will never work 80 hrs a week in my life, screw that.

Depends on the person. I still have time to go to the gym each morning and sometimes even during my lunch break. I cook my meals on the weekends for the weekand on the weekend I still have enough time to spend with my girl, my friends and family. It helps when you don't need much sleep to function
. I have to do this though I'm not trying to stay at this job for the restof my life.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

like i said i really respect folks who can do that........

working full time and full time course load................you prolly smash like once a month? how often do you relax? i cant work out? prolly eat garbage, always tired. etc.

my well being comes FIRST.

its just like how people let life pass by because all they worried about is money, i dunno i just see things different. end of the day you gotta do what you gotta do though. i will never work 80 hrs a week in my life, screw that.
Smashing should NEVER be a problem. That can be done before you even go to bed. Relaxing, now that may be a rare commodity except on maybeSaturday & Sundays. I just started working out last nite and I actually felt good after my work out and I'm definitely switching up my eating habits. Everybody drive is NOT the same. What may not work for you could be a breeze for someone else. Again, how bad do you want is what keeps me going.
I work full time, bout 50+ hours between 2 jobs 7 days a week and 10 hours of clsss a week.....it sucks because I don't get really a time To rest, outnoting til night and on top of that gym 3/4 times a week.....
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

I work full time, bout 50+ hours between 2 jobs 7 days a week and 10 hours of clsss a week.....it sucks because I don't get really a time To rest, out noting til night and on top of that gym 3/4 times a week.....


i wish you the best........you dont even have time to fap let alone smash
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