Friendzone is a b$@#h aint it? vol. just when u thought it was going good

i was in this situation before. since you bought the gift for no reason, the last thing you want to be is 'nice' to her. treat her like whatever fromnow on.
Originally Posted by jplikejayz

a gift homie? this aint the sims where you can just give them a gift to improve your relationship status

son said The Sims..
lately i been finding it hard to find some "true" girls. the rest either cheating or in for the cash or somethin. one of the reasons why i aint wannacancel this one just yet, dont get me wrong tho, ima get my p, i know it might take some time for this one to come back but i dont mind it
nah man, buying her stuff is what got me here in the first place lol. just wanted to know if anyone here got back from the friendzone and lived to tell thetale
its on you.

dont wait around tho.

in my experience, females are shocked when you dont wait around for them and do you..

good luck
Originally Posted by RetroAirs23

aight well, she did have a stupid boyfriend that cheated on her like 3 times b4 she finally broke it off with him last year, im thinkin she just got her guard up on dudes that this wont happen again?

also, i must admit i turned to trickin since i been having some troubleing hookin up with her due to our distance apart from where we live. so i try to make each meetup count. i guess i layed it on too thick?

so basically, i shouldnt cut her completely out of my life then? still talk to her and such? just bring talk of other girls into our convos? should i call her like nothing happend or just wait for her to call?

also, her personality is great. chick is almost perfect.
I swear, all this year the chicks I talked to had past relationship issues...And to try to get them to open up is

Don't even talk to her, just do your own thing and focus on what's important to you...Like dudes said, don't put the P on the pedastal, been mypast problem but chicks will always be there, don't even trip off the girl....If you can talk to a chick like that, what's stoppin you from findinganother one?
i got alot of other chicks like that when it comes to looks but they got some nasty attitudes, they only good to smash. i know it sounds harsh but chicks thesedays got some nasty attitudes.

me and this chick hang out with a few of the same friends so i know ill come accross her a lil more than i think. ill see how it goes then. i remember shetellin me that she got with her last boyfriend after being a friend with him for like 2 years or so.
Originally Posted by youngflykidchris

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

I friendzone'd somebody and I didn't even realize it until tonight


Care to Elaborate Sir ma'am?

somebody was attracted to me that I didn't think was capable of being attracted to me (not used to white guys) so I didn't even fathom the idea that hehung out with me because he liked me romantically, I just thought he saw I was awesome
homie she got you feeling like you were in there wrong


here's what happened
short has been manipulating cats like you since a young age

honing and practicing her skill thinkin you in the wrong and end up buying her a gift

Then she applies her little simping string and its over
aight aight so bottom line is just do my thing and get her a lil jelous but dont really try that hard on her again? let it take its path?
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

peep game...

i just had a chick i was talking to tell me that FZ BS. I dont usually do this, but i came off top with some story of some fantasy Dominican with a Masters in Marketing who tricks on me and buys my broke college student self stuff and is perfect for me. worked like a charm. you gotta let her know she aint the only girl in the picture. when people think they have a monopoly on you, they treat you how they want...

but peep game..."friend" is a relative word anyway to some females...some might mean..FWB..some might mean platonic...if you KNOW/FEEL its platonic, dont even bother trying to get with her...the was you find out is to treat her like your guy about other girls, and stuff you'd do with your boys..esp about girls cuz it'll show you're in demand. if she gets jealous, pull her card and you gotta revolve the convo around how you're in demand..

remember...until you get her as your GF, it's all cat/mouse...and may the best bait win.
And there you go. To re-iterate the most important of Magnus' reply; you gotta build up your own value and make yourself seem exclusive. Whenyou do that, as seen in the example above which I italicized, the chick will feel more compelled to go after you. Who would want a person at their beck andcall all the time? No one because then they'd be lame, and nobody wants to be with someone who's lame and just buys them gifts...she'd be reallysick and twisted if she enjoyed that kinda stuff, but it's apparent she doesnt. Mind you if you really want to pursue this you got some work to do and yougotta build it back up with her a little, just do it slowly. Get to the point where she starts calling you again, which means no calling from you...becausewhen you're the one out looking for her, it gives her the impression of having the upper hand again, and thus you're the less attractive bait in this.Now I'm kinda new to this too, but I've had some guidance along the way. If ever she wants to hang out, do not ever say yes, especially not on thefirst time she asks. The busier you sound, the more value your time has, and when she has your time you'll make her feel more special, but in a good waythat won't get you turned down from sexy time. Since y'all have mutual friends, don't deliberately do this, but it would be good if they can helpbuild up your value for ya too.
keepzdasneakz, see, now thats the kinda detailed tips i want
thanks. anymore? i think i got a good idea on what to do. im in for the work. anymore infowill help me and other NTers since alot of peeps be fallin in the fz recently.
Sorry, but before I forget, just one more thing. I suggest you start making more female friends to boost your credibility and rep. too. Utilize these targetgirls (no 'To catch a predator') to hone your verbal habits and sense of restraint, so that once you get back to girl she's easier. Just do yourthing in the clubs and all and start talkin'.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by youngflykidchris

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

I friendzone'd somebody and I didn't even realize it until tonight


Care to Elaborate Sir ma'am?

somebody was attracted to me that I didn't think was capable of being attracted to me (not used to white guys) so I didn't even fathom the idea that he hung out with me because he liked me romantically, I just thought he saw I was awesome

sorry for that.(me callin you a Sir)
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