Friends who try and scoop you UNAPPRETIAITION

Keep that #$% on the low. If you let the world know, the world will try to ruin it for ya. Word to haters b.
Originally Posted by Eclectic E

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

dont tell him you want to holla at her.


And dont wait so long to holla. If you saw her first, had time to tell him, and he beat you to her you deserve the L.
This why I never tell anyone anything before I actually do it, people are inherently jealous and flaw, especially "friends" cuz
they are usually the closest ones to you.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Congrats, your the 38th person who made a irony joke of my NT tag (which you obviously don't know why I really chose the name).

Sorry, we can't all have Timbaland nicknames like u

And so did your mother's abortion.

Are you not understanding what's wrong here...?

How are you gonna try and flame dude when you were clearly in the wrong...all you had to do was edit the title.
Make your presence known next time, Let the @$* choose weather he's hating or not.
Dont tell anyone your gunna go holler. I use to encounter this problem with my pathetic friends. It got so bad I nick named one of my friends GAME KILL. Noproblems since.
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