||| FREE RUN+ 3 & iD ||| EXT Collection (pg43) |||

Originally Posted by QuKtIc

^ Thank you kind sir

Also, for the guys that have IDed a pair how is the quality? I'm thinking about IDed pair, just curious about ID vs GR quality.


I own two iDs so far, but I don't own any GRs yet. From what I can tell, the quality on the iDs is really good and pretty similar, if not identical to the GRs. Plus, they clean up really nice and aren't pain to clean.  
Originally Posted by jQQQQQ

Just got my iguana's yesterday. Haven't really kept up with the thread but I saw them at FNL and they're fire in person!

When you say Iguana do you mean the Free Run 3+ or the 4.0?
Originally Posted by jQQQQQ

Just got my iguana's yesterday. Haven't really kept up with the thread but I saw them at FNL and they're fire in person!

When you say Iguana do you mean the Free Run 3+ or the 4.0?
went to my local NikeTown after work today and saw the Iguana's +3 version...beautiful. I was initially there for the total orange colorway, but now I'm torn...

I want both, but trying my best to choose just one...for now.

any discounts floating around for the frees?
^ got the oranges and now am patiently waiting for Finishline to get the Iguanas do I can use my 20 off

All 3 EXT c/w's just hit FNL today
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Originally Posted by jQQQQQ

Just got my iguana's yesterday. Haven't really kept up with the thread but I saw them at FNL and they're fire in person!

When you say Iguana do you mean the Free Run 3+ or the 4.0?


Got the Free Run +3 EXT.
Originally Posted by BOSS TYCOON 408

I wanted to wait for my total oranges but here's my Free Run +3/4.0 collection so far.


Where did you find the N7's? and what is the difference between the N7's and regular free's?
Just looked it up and it you are correct. It says most Native Americans have wider feet than non natives. I'll try on mine when I get off work to see if I can tell the difference.
what does the EXT or those tags after the model symbolize? (eg: free run +3 EXT; LAF; NSW)

Dope collection, BT!

I need to stop procrastinating on getting the Chrome Yellows or Total Oranges already!
LAF = Lance Armstrong Foundation, NSW = Nike SportsWear and for EXT = Extra-Terrain maybe .~
love the cushioning of the free run series, but man the foam would always wear out pretty fast for me :/
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