Former Det. Lion Charles Rogers OTL preview

ironman everything you wrote is void just because you caught feelings that I cosigned...its funny how mad yall get

just realize the civil rights movements isn't even close to being 100 years old so a lot of stuff is still around even though lots of changes haveoccured...yall can deny it and keep crying but actions of a lot of people proves that a lot things haven't changed...its just kept behind closedoors...people don't have the balls these days to be blunt w/ it....
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

ironman everything you wrote is void just because you caught feelings that I cosigned...its funny how mad yall get

just realize the civil rights movements isn't even close to being 100 years old so a lot of stuff is still around even though lots of changes have occured...yall can deny it and keep crying but actions of a lot of people proves that a lot things haven't changed...its just kept behind close doors...people don't have the balls these days to be blunt w/ it....

You have yet to post anything that makes sense or a logical opinion. I caught feelings?
Show me where. I just called you a "co-signer" followed by a"
". How is that a display of anger, or as you say"catching feelings"?

Nobody is getting mad, but is funny that you keep on rambling with this jibberish.

Try to get your thoughts together, and maybe, we will understand the message you are trying to push.
I'm not just keeping it real...i realize the category of folks you run w/ opinions wise so there isn't too much for me to notgonna type paragraphs to prove my point on a message board...thats how yall in the closet folks do because saying things in person isn't easy for yall
opiats & booze are by far the most addictive drugs cause your body actually crave them while most other drugs are straight mental. Sad thing is so fewpeople see them as real drugs cause they can get them legally. I dont have issues with doing drugs, its just that not many people know how to use responsibly
i gotta side with Ironman...y'all don't think if Charlie got his %*+% right, came back and became the player he was supposed to be that he'd getsome love? it wouldn't be like Josh, as he pretty much came from the depths of hell...but still. (that's said w/o knowing the severity of Roger'sproblems)

everyone loves a great comeback.

didn't The Playmaker have some coke problems? i'll never, ever, ever forget that HOF speech.
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