For the ladies.. When a women is fed up. How to win her back

Originally Posted by kevin2nd

phew. thanks for the update. now i can move on with my life.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by superbness

Just to recap.. Me and my lady are back together and our relationship is stronger then ever. We are set to get married this summer. We ironed out our wrinkles and the relation ship has been better then ever then it have in the 6 years we been together!

nice to see a success story in the midst of doubters amongst NTers. Goodluck with the new chapter bro, and don't take her for granted.

THX mayne. Yep us taking her for granted is what caused all this for the most of it
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Somewhere a dictionary just spontaneously combusted.

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Shirt younger then a toddler, Chewin on a stack of ones
Bouta to post this thread even though I know I gets no buns

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kevin2nd

phew. thanks for the update. now i can move on with my life.

i unno why this remind me of that chappelle skit "WHERE IS JA?"

of you getting back with your lady. i was beginning to thinknt'ers had no happy endings with "girl problems".
Well I end up getting her back. Everything is going good now.. I have a diff outlook on relationships now. I dont go into a relationship that I cant leave in 5secs flat, It was hard work getting her back but i got her. Read alot of books online and got advice..

The bestthing I can say NOT to do if this happens to you, is not to act desperate to the female. Give her space but still keep contact and show not tell her uchanged
i hope you understand that your girl most likely got smashed on by some dude when yall were apart
Originally Posted by superbness

Well I end up getting her back. Everything is going good now.. I have a diff outlook on relationships now. I dont go into a relationship that I cant leave in 5 secs flat, It was hard work getting her back but i got her. Read alot of books online and got advice..

The bestthing I can say NOT to do if this happens to you, is not to act desperate to the female. Give her space but still keep contact and show not tell her u changed
congrats...glad to hear everything worked out for the best...are you guys still planning on getting married?

Pics or kill yourself for bumpin this crappy thread.

I hope u enjoy slobberin all the guys she was with when she left u
You don't, really.

Move on, find another. You will lose too much trying to bring back a memory.
Originally Posted by breaux

i hope you understand that your girl most likely got smashed on by some dude when yall were apart

Naw, I doubt that. shes more mature then that. Seriously I could understand if she was a young wild rat head.. but shes not
ahhhh I really dont want to post pics BUT i'LL DO 1 OR 2.. LET ME UPLOAD THEM from my cpu. I really dont feel like hearing you all criticize her
if you womnt dat reelayshunship tew wurk auwt you ghats tew bee onist abat yo filangs fo' her and pramas tew go back tew skewl fo' yo' hi sweldiplomay n junk knowhudimsayeen?
I hate when people in relationships relocate. It put such a strain on everything. Good Luck and God bless OP. Glad to see you two are back on. Cute girl.
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